I’m super new to hookups, and have only been with one guy ever. I want to try either a fwb type thing or hookup, but im terrified of STD’s. I’ve honestly never used a condom before, and have been on birth control for years. If im reallly honest i would rather not use a condom. Is there a way i can fully know for sure? Like maybe they get tested and show me like a paper or something from the doctor saying they are clean? And if so how would i even ask them?

  1. You can ask for test results, but they take a while to come in, and some only show up in results several weeks after the infection, so it’s not a 100% safe answer if they’ve done anything since the point the tests measure from.

  2. you can never know for sure just use condoms for hookups, if its a steady fwb you can both get tested

  3. Yeah, use condoms.

    You can’t be 100% sure. You barely know this person so you can’t trust them.

  4. Sadly condoms are the only way to prevent stds and stis. Yes yes, there are other things to prevent some of them but not most.

  5. The only way to be sure is either get an at home std test and be there when that person takes the test so you know they don’t try any funny business or like you said go to a doctor to get tested and get the paper work of the results in hand so you have proof but please don’t just take their word for it. I agree and understand with you that condoms suck and I hate them too but unfortunately there isn’t many options really.

  6. You can’t.

    There is no *safe* sex, only *safer* sex. If you’re going to have hookups, all you can do is ask about recent STI testing (and ask for proof if you like) and use a condom.

    >If im reallly honest i would rather not use a condom.

    Use it anyway.

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