I’d been talking to this guy from college for a while now. We were just classmates initially and never thought anything romantic would come out of it. Everything was normal. However, he expressed interest in me and asked me out a few times and although I did say yes to him, we never ended up going on a date because of a personal issues of mine.

I did talk him through those issues and I assured that I’d love to see him once summer break ends and we return to college.(we’re from different states and went back home) He seemed fine with it and told me that he’d def let me know of his arrival to college. However, he suddenly stopped viewing my stories on social media a week later. He has only done that to me. He still views stories and talks to other people we both know but maintained remote silence with me.

What could this mean? I started liking him over the summer after learning more about him from others and I was actually looking forward to meeting him. College starts in a month from now. Am I overthinking it?

  1. Yeah I think you’re overthinking it, wouldn’t read into it too much. You guys said you wanted to wait til you’re both back at school to meet up, so I’d wait to draw any kinds of conclusions until after then

  2. >he suddenly stopped viewing my stories on social media a week later. He has only done that to me.

    Never meeting you may be a really big deal for him. (viewing *your* stories may be too sad / emotionally draining for him, until you two meet up)

  3. I’m confused.

    Does viewing your stories even mean he likes you? It could just be an unrelated tangential.

    Be proactive and ask them out.

  4. As the guy i honestly would get tired of chasing, I’ve done the hard yards in asking you out (multiple times!).I’d feel like I’ve been rebuffed/delayed from dating, I would start to feel like I’m being strung along.

    This might be different if we’re communicating over the break. But yeah if I’m doing all the work and come to that realization I’d be pulling back.

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