(Please keep any pervy comments at bay, I’m being genuine here)

27f and I’m really pale with a pink undertone.

My breasts are smaller than average but I’m not flat chested either. I’m happy with the size.

It’s my nipples that make me self conscious.

They are very pink and I feel like they are too big.

Any breasts that are shown as beautiful in media tend to be tiny and dark.

I’m very petite too so I feel like it makes it stand out more.

What is too big for nipples? When do they become branded “pepperoni nipples”?

I used to hear guys make fun of their girlfriends by using that insult so don’t tell me that it doesn’t matter.

  1. Anybody who makes fun of a woman’s nipples is a shithead. It happens. There are men out there that make fun of women’s physical features to try to deflate them. It’s a control tactic. When you are really into to somebody, you understand that they have physical flaws and so do you. So I’m not telling you that it doesn’t matter, I’m just telling you shouldn’t give a shit about anybody that is going to make you feel ashamed of your body.

  2. I’m love all boobs and nipples, from the smallest to the biggest. I really don’t care 🤷‍♂️

  3. The color is completely irrelevant. Most likely this is entirely in your head, and like honestly this is that situation where people can’t give opinions on what your body looks like based on a text description anyway so there’s no real reassurance to offer besides saying like my gf is also petite with big pink nipples and I think they look great.

  4. I’m not going to lie and try to convince you it doesn’t matter to everyone. But it doesn’t matter to anyone who’s worth your time, effort and attention.

    Those guys you heard making fun of their girlfriends are absolute assholes who don’t deserve to have a girlfriend.

    The fact that that there are subreddits dedicated to women with large nipples/areolas shows that everyone is someone’s “type.” That includes you. In fact, you are a lot of people’s type.

    I hope I don’t sound pervy because I truly don’t mean to be, but I find large and pronounced nipples to be hot — and a lot of other people do too.

    I know we are often our own biggest critic, but please don’t be this hard on yourself. Most men would be so happy to see and play with your breasts, that what you see as a flaw either won’t matter to them — or will even be a plus.

  5. Men like breasts, women like breasts, nipples are pretty all over the board.

    I’ve seen dimes and half dollars and even a few silver dollar pancake size areolas, nipples can be pebble sized to binky sized, and they come in total variation, no two women are the same. Some are dark on light skin some are light on dark skin, its really quite a menagerie.

    I have also seen women who have lost their breasts, or have tattooed on nipples from breast cancer.

    Don’t sweat judgemental people, there is something for everyone.

  6. It doesn’t matter and I see all shapes and colors of nipples in the media.

    A handful of guys does not define the way billions of men think.

    If I decided to push a woman out of my life for something like nipple color, my odds of finding a good match for me go down.

    The little physical things people nit-pick about themselves if I thought that way. I’d be single for life.

    The more you know yourself and have experience in relationships the more specific a person you are looking for. So if I also got nitpicky I might push away my perfect match.

  7. my wife jokes about her own nipples.. they are big! But having 3 kids beating them up while infants will do that I guess.. but.. here is the good part.. I love them and her and everything about her.. and if your guy is like that.. you have nothing to worry about..

    Easier said.. Im sure.. but we are rooting for you.

  8. To be clear, are you referring to the nipples themselves or the areolas? I’m guessing the latter if you’re talking about pepperoni?

  9. 1) If you compare you self to what media says is acceptable your will drive yourself mad

    2) If you are with a partner that makes fun of such petty things you need to upgrade partners not worry about your particulars.

  10. Hey ! I used to be rly insecure ab my big nipples as well. But to be real with you, intimate partners don’t care about what your nipples look like if they’re really into you. I’ve been with my bf for two years and he’s never said anything negative ab them! Your nips are beautiful <3

  11. I don’t know if my words will help but I’m going to try.

    Every body is different. There will be some people that like your nipples, some that don’t, some who are indifferent and some who think they are perfect.

    There are lots of NSFW subs that show not just the different types of bodies but the people who love them. r/bigareolas and r/ghostnipples sound like they might be up your street.

    Fuck the media and their standards! There are industries worth billions based on making women feel insecure about their bodies.

    >I used to hear guys make fun of their girlfriends by using that insult so don’t tell me that it doesn’t matter.

    Guys get fed the same media bullshit you do, they parrot it and some might believe it. The ones who mature realise it’s stupid and form their own opinions and the ones that don’t aren’t worth your time.

    “Those that matter don’t mind, and those that mind don’t matter”.

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