I (M27)want to pick your brain on something. I recently met a girl (F29) and asked to get a dinner with her. She’s from Scotland and she is new to Canada.

We meet up and we have a great time. We have lots in common and the conversation never felt dry. We had a lot of thing in common and went on a long walk. Anyways at the end I tell her “I really enjoyed, we should do it again.” She said yes with enthusiasm so I said “let’s make it a date as well then.” She said “I don’t know, I just moved here and I’m not sure yet.” In which I froze because I was expecting a yes or no, and not a maybe, but I said “no worries, i understand. I’d still like to see you again though” in which she said “sounds good.”

Anyways I tell this to my friend and she told me that there’s still a chance because she said no and I should continue talking to her. What would you do? Is this how people date in the UK/Scotland?

1 comment
  1. I would tell her you’re really interested and put your cards on the table. If anything it will make her feel reassured, a tip the scale towards you. That’s only if she likes you too.

    At least you’ll know.

    Im a girl from the UK, we like a guy to be open.

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