More active with sex with my partner and wanted to know any tips to make sex maybe more hygienic or more fun for the girl? Tips like a good trimmer or a cream to apply on the balls for cleanliness or every when should you do this or maybe a daily routine to do? Maybe safe vitamins to drink thats both good for you and your sex life? Any tips really

  1. Having a good diet is key. Noticed a big improvement after I lost a bunch of weight.

  2. Healthy diet, regular exercise, minimize caffeine/stimulants/etc, good sleep

    Everything in your body is connected. Being healthy every means you’re healthy *everywhere*

  3. Don’t watch porn or fap.

    Shower regularly. Eat healthily. Exercise. Wear loose fitting underwear.

  4. Being strong and fit definitely helps performance wise. I used to be overweight, got really strong and somewhat fit and the difference is incredible. Also never stop communicating sex with your partner. Me and my gf have a monthly check in where we just ask each other if everything is going good in the bedroom and we ask if there’s anything we want more of or less of in the bedroom.

  5. One blade for trimming

    Wash under your balls

    Drink plenty of water, work out, get plenty of sleep and eat healthy.

  6. Get fucked every day. Sometimes twice.

    Get some other sex too. One partner lets the energy fade over time.

  7. Just practicing a healthy lifestyle in general.

    * Fitness
    * Diet
    * Sleep
    * Breathing / Stretching / Meditation

  8. Drink water, don’t smoke, exercise a bit, and learn to breathe properly

  9. Kegels and Mindfulness Training. Learning more about female anatomy and how to pleasure a women will help as well.

  10. Clean does matter. If you know sex is around the corner, a quick shower is not a bad idea. Smell good. You don’t need to be slapping on cologne, just smell good. Find a scented lotion she likes. I keep it trim. Not bald, but trim. Oral sex sucks if she is fighting off the pubes. Take Maca root. Double the recommended dosage for 30 days. Take a 5 day break, start the 30 days routine again, repeat. Try more sex in the morning if the schedule allows. Libido is highest in the morning.

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