I try to be very open with them. One didn’t feel the same and the other had a boyfriend. But I’m happy I tried and communicated directly. I’m in my early 20s and this is my first time doing this. I have always shyed away and been scared of trying to show interest in girls but I’m improving.

  1. How do you show interest? Do you just blurt it out and “confess” to them or do you do it in a confident way?

  2. Consider methodically wiggling your private parts from side to side in order to show attraction.

  3. One thing Ive learned is that women like subtlety. They dont want you to just come out and confess your feelings for them. It’s much better to drop little hints, maybe prolong your gaze for a moment and smile before looking away, etc. You know how a lot of women love romantic movies where you want the two main characters to get together and you see the tension slowly build up throughout the movie along with the “will they, won’t they” expectations? That’s how you need to do it in real life. In the movie you see the characters slowly give signs of their mutual interest and get closer and closer. You never see the guy just blurt it out at the beginning of the movie. Those types of stories are popular because they mirror they way most women want to be pursued in real life.

    Edit: spelling

  4. Perfectly reasonable to state you find someone attractive within 1st meet.

  5. Cheers mate! . Next time don’t just let them know , ask them out. Just confessing your feelings make it awkward and cringe. And puts them on a spotlight to acknowledge your feelings or not.

  6. If you feel a connection maybe the girl will reciprocate. Some people genuinely appreciate grand gestures

  7. You’re in your 20’s! Get out and live. Nearly all my hookups and relationships happened after I stopped obsessing about it (High school) and just went out to have fun. Get a group of friends that you can go out w. Make new friends. Expand your social circle.

  8. Hey good for you! That’s the right attitude to have. You’re overcoming a barrier to living life. A lot of people let that hold them back from what they truly want. Keep at it!

  9. My friend, don’t verbalize feelings for a girl, never, especially talking about girls around 20 (they are the worst ones): it doesn’t work. The world is savage and the girls are totally full of attentions, everywhere and from whoever. Attentions are your only weapons, use them carefully.
    In a perfect world, we could still tell a girl our feels but not now, not here, maybe one day again…
    Meanwhile be enigmatic: give them some hints you like them but at the same time make them feel like you are not interested or they are no good for you for some reasons. This will trigger them: “How is it possible he doesn’t like me like ALL the others I normally chat or go out with?”.
    Another tip: try to chat the less possible and to go out asap. Don’t be the guy toward which they will vomit all their boredom but the guy who acts and maybe kisses/fucks them. If they don’t wanna go out or make out excuses, move on and go to another one: this type of attitude could trigger them insanely and maybe they will contact you first this time.

    Good Luck and Farewell

  10. Start with a conversation, if they are actively responding and engaging then try to add some jokes/ shared interests and so on. After you feel like she’s invested in the conversations as much as you are then you ask for coffe/ lunch/ mall—basically hang out areas. If that works THEN that’s when you ask them out. Try not to hang around when the conversation is dry cause that’ll destroy your confidence, they might not be a good match which is fine so you just move on. This will sound rude but it’s true, confessing right when you meet only works if they’re physically attracted to you. Besides it’s a lot messier later down the line if the relationship started physically. Good luck to your endeavors!

  11. Eh I avoid showing interest and rarely have have any interest n girls I’m fact 🤔 I haven’t had interest in girls for a entire year now

  12. I never saw someone saying “i told to a girl that im interested, and she feels the same” lol

    I really think that 98% of people that are too shy to confess interest to girls, is due the fact they have not experience at all since they are not good looking, and more inclined to be rejected.

  13. ALWAYS , ALWAYS remember this , regardless of the outcome , you still took the first step . That’s what’s important. It doesn’t matter if they didn’t return the interest , there are billions of women on this planet .

  14. But if they ask for a date wouldn’t the other party realize that the person asking is in fact interested?

    So Reddit what you’re saying is it is bad to tell
    someone that you have feelings for them after you have known them for a while?

  15. Good for you! Don’t be afraid to show interest non-verbally as well (eye contact, body language, etc).

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