Don’t want my hormones to get the best of me and mess up a good arrangement. I already know he thinks I’m pretty too because we matched on Hinge about a year ago… but I didn’t realize it until he brought it up.

  1. Don’t move in with a male roommate you are attracted to lol. You will eventiually lose your living situation and no romantic partner you find will be okay with it. If you’ve already matched on hinge you’re not going to make this work.

  2. Do you know if he has a significant other already?

    Do you want some romantic disagreement to affect the rental situation?

    You can flirt with him, but you have the accept the possible consequences of it.

  3. You shouldn’t “flirt and stuff” because you don’t shit where you eat. Is the possibility of banging him worth $650/month to you? I can’t think of any man that would be worth that much of a risk to me. Not to mention, *when* it goes bad you’ll still be stuck in a lease with him. From now on he’s about as attainable to you as your boss. Sure, it’s possible to go there, but imagine how wrecked your life would be if you do go there and it doesn’t work out?

  4. I mean Dont Screw the Crew is roommates 101 for many good reasons.

    Do you also need us to convince you not to light matches next to fuel pumps?

  5. I’ve had two friends move in with guys. Started out as strictly roommates. Both sets ended up getting married!

  6. Don’t shit where you eat. If you trust yourself and him enough to not do anything that makes it awkward then fine. But this could also complicate future relationships, especially if the bf feels the roommate is more attractive than him.

  7. This is called not being a monkey. Men also get these toughts all day and do not act on them. Having any kind of romantic or sexual relationship with a roommate is tough. If it does not work out one will need to move. If you want a relationship someone should move right away since sitting on each other from the start might cause issues,….

    In the end if you both like each other you can go for it. It might cause problems, it might be fun and then fine or it might end in something great. If you decide it is not a good idea to do something you should just not act on your feelings.

  8. That sounds like a terrible idea.

    Will you be able to deal with the parade of other women that will come through your shared space? What if the sex is just terrible and you are already roommates? What if he already has a serious girlfriend and hasn’t disclosed that yet because he trying to flirt his way into an affordable place?

  9. It’s not the end of the world, it’s like screwing your friends, when one of them is in a relationship it just stops. And thats it… It’ll be ridiculous to believe you aren’t allowed to be attracted to atractive people… That’s just stupid.

  10. Keep it light like only hi and how are you , go work and come home do things to makes you busy … and see what will happens

  11. It can get messy really quick, and you don’t know how he could handle rejection. If you like him try dating instead of hooking up.

  12. My coworker flirted with her roommate, now she’s pregnant with twins, and looking for a new roommate. Do with that information what you will.

  13. You absolutely can go for it. Just make sure you can handle the consequences if things go wrong.

  14. Shit where you eat! Make out with him if you want, who the fuck cares life is short.

  15. You don’t have the data you need to answer this question well. He may be a jerk. Play it by ear and see if he shows any sign that he’s as willing to flirt with a roommate as you are. Set the bar high, but if he’s a great guy and you click, go for it.

  16. Don’t shit where you eat man. You barely know this guy. There is sooooo much potential for shit to turn awkward, and its not like you can just kick him out at that point, he’ll be a tenant with rights, so you’ll still have to live together. At least get to know him first, see what kind of person he is.

  17. You think it’s going to be all sunshine and rainbows until you live with him. All his little quirks and annoying habits are going to bubble to the surface and sex is gonna be the last thing on your mind. Plus, even if you hooked up once a year ago, he wasn’t even worth remembering. Go give yourself an orgasm and use that post nut clarity to get your head on straight.

  18. Have you ever heard the phrase “Don’t shit where you eat”? This is why you don’t flirt with your roommate. Let’s say you guys do get flirty and maybe you end up hooking up, then it turns out you aren’t compatible and you spend the next 9 months living uncomfortably with someone. If it does become a relationship well then you guys just kind of ended up in a much more serious relationship much earlier on since you are starting out living together. While people have gotten together successfully while being roommates I would guess it is the exception, not the rule. Honestly, all around terrible idea.

  19. I had a very attractive roommate at one point. Within a week, poof, no longer attracted. Most people are their slobbiest/messiest at home so there will be pllllleeennnnttttyyy of ick moments to turn you off 🙂

  20. Imagine you guys hooking up/developing feelings etc and then it doesn’t work out. Once you guys start inviting other people over for the night it will be really awkward plus you live with each other so it’s not like you can escape the awkward aspect of it either

  21. Don’t poop where you eat. It never ends well. Even if you can control your end of things, you can’t control his end if things go awry

  22. Yeah bad idea to move in with him. I’m looking for a roommate though. Where does he live?

  23. Ok something I suffered from… super hot roommate named Steele in university… paralyzing fear he’d hear me fart or go into the bathroom after I took a dump. Also I developed such a crush on him that my hands would shake when he was in the room. This was about 25 or so years ago but I still feel tingly about it. Would still advise to do it though.

  24. Would you feel fine if he brought home his hookups or future girlfriend and you had to hear them through the walls?

  25. Nah girl, you can make that choice yourself. Sounds like you’re fully aware of the consequences so it’s no one’s job on Reddit to convince you lol

  26. I guess maybe consider what the living situation would be like if you both did hook up and it didn’t work out and he still lived with you as a roommate, would you be okay with him bringing other women home after things possibly not working out with you? Think about those tough scenarios and ask yourself if you’d be strong enough to over look it.

  27. I personally don’t see the harm in flirting with someone you find attractive if you’re both single, available and potentially interested lol. As long as conversation, expectations and boundaries are determined early on.

  28. I just broke up with a coworker I see 3 days a week MAX and it’s just hits me like a bus every time. Maybe you guys will be a thing and stay together, or maybe you’ll try something and break up. Imagine seeing your ex every single day. Even worse, imagine something does happen, y’all break up, and you already have to see each other in the same home, but then one of you starts bringing someone else around😳
    It may be unlikely, but I wouldn’t even want to take the RISK that something bad happens. Sounds like maybe you’ve already decided something is going to happen though so maybe look for backup housing

  29. I wouldn’t do it. If you’re already tempted it’s gonna happen eventually

  30. So… This seems hella stupid, what was wrong with a female roommate?

    Anyways, you’ll get drunk, you’ll both be available, you’ll realize there really isn’t much to worry about, since it’s just sex and you are both adults that can seperate sex and feelings… And the next morning you’ll realize that this is the start of a shitshow you could have avoided.

  31. You’re both going to have drinks one night and bang like rabbits. Don’t live with him, it will not end well.

  32. I lived in a house with two very attractive dudes. Never crossed any boundaries, got drunk together and went to clubs together.

    Some people are capable of practicing basic self control, some….

    I don’t think admitting your attraction was a good idea. Also that attraction might go after living with him for a while.

    If you and this guy can remain sensible, then by all means. But a lot of us think it’s a bad idea, especially after reading your comments. It’s almost like you’re wanting to live out a wattpad story.

  33. Tell me why you think it is a good or bad idea to plop the community toilet down in the middle of your kitchen. I’ll tell you why you shouldn’t flirt with roommates like this.

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