
I noticed recently that my friend has taken long periods of time occasionally to answer texts I send her(8-12 hours). We have been friends 3 years. Today, I sent her a text asking her about plans we have this weekend(around 8 hours ago) and she still hasn’t responded, but she responded to a group chat we are both in right after I had originally texted her. We have plans to go on a weekend trip together in two weeks and I imagine she wouldn’t have agreed to it if she didn’t want to hang out with me. However, she has been dry about it(not seeming super excited, etc.) and I’m the only one that’s added plans to our trip itinerary(which she said she would add to 3 days ago). She’s gotten distant in the past due to personal mental stuff(to the point that we did not talk for a few months) which has made me more sensitive to her being distant than I would be with other friends.

Would it be bad to ask if anything is wrong? I’m a naturally socially anxious person and I’d like to know if I’m reading too into things. How would I go about asking her about it if I should say something?

1 comment
  1. Never hurts to ask a friend how they’re doing, sometimes I get distant when my mental health is low and I don’t realize how much I distance myself until my friend messages me and points it out.

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