Don’t know if this is normal as I’ve had it only happen once before with a fwb but he ended up wanting a relationship. I’ve only just agreed upon being this guys fwb because we got along really well on the first date and I’m down to just have sex with someone regularly. I’m just a little worried he may be actually into me more? It’s obviously not an issue right now as we haven’t spent more than one date together but we message daily and have already organised a hook up for Sunday night. He tried to do it today during the day, tonight, tomorrow night also but I couldn’t because I was busy… him calling me sexy and hot obviously I enjoy the compliments but where do the rules come in for fwb?? He’s mentioned he doesn’t want “rules” because he doesn’t want me to close off emotionally to him in the CHANCE “we madly fall in love” < his words not mine lol

  1. I didnt know there needs to be rules while one is FWB kinda arrangement lol unless if that rule is about having feelings….

  2. I see his response as more flirty banter. He just want you to be you and not just fuck a body. Ive commented on all my fwb in that way and had no problems. Its ultimately up to you and him to communicate boundaries what ever that may be to have the most enjoyable time possible.
    My 2 cents

  3. FWB to relationship is a pretty well trodden path and there’s usually some feelings involved (sex is emotive). Being called “hot” or “sexy” are things I would half expect from an ONS let alone someone I was sleeping with repeatedly. You might be expecting things between you to be colder than is realistic. Obviously you get to design your own boundaries and if it gets clingy it can be bad, but being called hot and having an FWB who likes you and could see it becoming more isn’t usually a bad thing.

  4. Compliments I think are fine, but isn’t the last statement anti-FWB? 😅

    If you want “no emotions” rule(no relationship), you have “no emotions” rule 🤷‍♂️.

  5. He doesn’t want you to close off emotionally in case you might fall in love with him. He’s definitely trying to hang on to you in case you change your mind. What you make of that is up to you.

    Calling you hot and sexy isn’t alarming. People tend to be attracted to the people they are fucking. Him telling you this is probably because he’s just horny hence him trying to hook up with you so quickly.

  6. Just enforce it is only sex, whenever he mentions love or feelings, simply say, please stop with that as you’re only going to get your heart broken.

    This is just casual sex for me, I’m not looking for a partner or a family or to settle down or anything like that, so if that’s what you are looking for then it’s best we part ways before you get too attached to the idea that this could be anything more.

    The choice is yours.

    If he doesn’t make the choice then unfortunately you’ll need to make it for him and cut all contact.

    Knew a guy like that once, the moment he talked to a woman and she was nice to him he was suddenly in love and wanted a relationship, didn’t matter how many times he was told it wasn’t going to happen he latched on, so it was either all in or all out, was no middle ground with him.

  7. When I was hooking up fwb style I naturally defaulted to giving the boyfriend experience. Never had any complaints.

  8. I had a FWB with whom I lived for several years. At the beginning of our relationship we agreed to avoid the word ‘love’, largely because I was coming out of a relationship with a woman who wanted me to tell her how much I loved her every hour.

    We eventually separated. Later my FWB told me that her only regret was never having told me that she loved me.

    I had several regrets, but not that. I tried to show her my feelings for her rather than telling her. My regrets are mostly from my immaturity and egotism at the time.

    I often think of her and wish we would have the chance to chat.

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