Hi, I recently had a first date with one of my match. This person doesn’t like texting so I was hoping know more about her in person and it went well I suppose. She came out of a breakup recently so she is not sure about what she wants, which is totally understandable.

She said she didn’t feel any spark or not sure if she is ready for anything. Idk how to go about it. Any thoughts?

  1. I would move on who isn’t sure about what she wants. I would also say she needs to heal from her breakup first.

  2. Thanks, I know this person from a mutual friend, so I was thinking I could give another shot. What would be a better way to respond to something like ‘not sure if I felt spark’…

  3. I wouldn’t go after women coming off of break up’s, it will more than likely lead to your own heartbreak. They’re dealing with emotions that are still fresh, which is why no surprise she’s telling you she’s not sure. She sounds like she’s still coming to accept and dealing with that break up, she’s not ready for something new.

    Let her be and if anything reach out again after a few months.

  4. Move on. The spark let down means she doesn’t want another date. Doesn’t sound like she’s ready to be dating either.

  5. Move on

    You cant force a spark if she isnt feeling it

    (Short of being a millionaire or someone who can whisk them to paris on a private jet or something, but you wouldnt want that type of woman anyway.)

    Shes saying its over, sorry

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