I(28 F) have been talking to/hooking up with a guy (32 M) on & off for the past 3 years. We were dating a bit at first but he found out I had previously been with his friend (I wasn’t aware & this was years before) & then it turned to a casual thing. We didn’t really care what each other did but agreed our friends were off the table.

2 weeks ago he came over & we hooked up (we hadn’t seen each other in a year). A couple days later he saw my best friend (who he had hooked up with before) & texted her “it was good seeing you”. She told me right away & I was livid & cursed him out. I had told him before not to text my friends & he had done it anyways.

Since then I told him we couldn’t be friends because he didn’t respect my boundaries. I’ve cut him off completely.

Am I wrong to have been upset? Did I do the right thing? Am I toxic? I’m having a lot of feelings about it.

  1. Did I get this right, you are mad because he texted her “it was good seeing you”?

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