Men of reddit who managed to get taller than both parents, how do you think you did it?

  1. My mom is fairly tall for a woman, so mixing those genes with the generic height advantage of a Y chromosome made me slightly taller than both parents.

  2. Idk it just happened maybe it’s because of the fact that newer generations all over the world have better nutrition than their parents, ethnicity also matters im a mixed race kid but of of my parents happen to be tall enough

  3. I dwarf both my parents and my older brother. I started smoking and drinking at 12 and didn’t start eating properly till I was 30.
    So maybe try that.

  4. My dad is 5’6 and my mom is 5’6. Everyone on my dad’s side of the family that I’ve seen is short. His younger brother that’s 5’9.

    On my mom’s side she’s the runt of her family. Her older brother is 6’6, older sister is 6’3, younger sister is 6’0, and youngest brother is 6’4. My grandfather is 6’0 and grandmother is 5’8.

    I’m a clone of my mom so I took after her side of the family and grew to 6’1. My younger sister claims 5’11 but she’s 6’0.

  5. My uncle is 6’7. My dad might be 5’10 but I never found it weird that I ended up at 6’1

  6. I’m only a little taller than my dad. Probably had a better diet growing up compared to him, but it’s such a minute difference, it probably was just pure luck.

  7. Genetics. My mom 5’10 my dad 6’ I’m 6’4. I was more than likely going to be tall lol

  8. As a lad I ate four dozen to help me get large, and now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs so I’m roughly the size of a barge!!!

  9. Genetics and nutrition. My generation ate a lot better than some of the BabyBoombers.

  10. Genetics obviously.

    But if you want a more whimsical answer: it’s all those roller coasters, they stretched sour my spine on the loopdy loops and made me taller.

  11. My mom says that it’s because of her genetics, her sister and brother are like 5’9″ and over 6′ respectively and I’m like….ok

  12. Genetics.

    All men on my mom’s side are over 6 feet.

    Both of my parents are under 5’8, I’m 5’11, brother is 6’3.

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