I need a different kind of advice than you normally see on this sub. So I’m (29) proposing to my girlfriend(26) of 6 years. I have everything set up to be perfect and it’s two weeks away. Which aligns with the persieds meteor shower. An event that happens once a year and is meaningful to us and our relationship.

The only problem is I ordered the ring from an online shop, and they emailed me saying there’s no way I can get that ring by the time I need it.
I need ideas. Should I still propose and tell her I did the absolute “me” thing possible and ordered the ring to late? Should I propose and give her a placeholder telling her the actual engagement ring is on the way?Or should I scrap the entire idea and just try to come up with something else?
I really wanted to propose under the meteor shower. I know she’d love that. But it feels lame to do it without a ring.
I feel like I really fucked up here, but money has been tight and I just recently have been able to climb out of that hole. I just want this to be right.

  1. I agree with others about using a placeholder. The moment sounds really romantic and thoughtful. For most people that’s way more important compared to the ring.

    Maybe try to get a placeholder that’s the same metal and similar cut stone? I just searched Amazon and there’re a ton of engagement ring options under $20 that you can get in a couple of days. Heck, there is a cute Van Gogh inspired starry night adjustable band if you want something in theme.

  2. This is so romantic! She’s gonna love it.

    Is it worse to use a placeholder ring or wait till next year?

    ETA: this is so romantic but for me, if I were being proposed to, not having the actual ring for this beautiful romantic gesture would break my heart a little bit. But I’m a romantic– only you know if your soon to be fiancee would find a placeholder ring endearing or a bummer.

  3. As a woman, the thought would mean so much more to me than the ring. I would rather get a placeholder ring, during the perfect time (the upcoming meteor shower) than to 1. Wait until the ring comes and be proposed to in a less meaningful way 2. Wait an entire additional year for the next meteor shower. Find a good placeholder ring and propose to her with that. And then after she says yes, and the initial few minutes have passed, explain the situation to her. She will be elated, trust me.

    Additionally, I have a Pandora ring (looks exactly like an engagement ring) that I wear in place of my real engagement ring sometimes. I wore it on my honeymoon just in case it got lost/stolen. So it’s not like the ring will be a waste.

  4. Place holder ring. Enso has some really cool silicone rings that would be perfect, and then she has one to wear when she doesn’t want to risk her engagement ring!

    I just bought a set for myself and my partner they ship SUPER fast.

    Enso has some as low as $11 right now.

    [Enso Silicone Rings](https://ensorings.com/collections/stackables)

  5. Something similar happened to an acquaintance (ring was delayed in transit from a jeweler) so he proposed with a ring pop with the meaningful plans he had already made. She was more excited about getting engaged than the ring anyway!

  6. The placeholder is the best idea. You can get a pretty silver ring for very little money.

    I just did a search and you can actually get a size-adjustable meteorite ring for around $50 (silver with a piece of meteorite in it). That might be perfect, it’ll definitely fit her and it’s in line with your “theme”. Good luck!

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