Saw a post earlier about the exact opposite. Thought it would be good to get some info for the boys too

  1. Moaning and whispering things in my ear. Also grabbing me, let me know that I’m his

  2. Running his hands all over my body and whispering into my ear. Telling me what he is going to do to me.

  3. It’s underestimated how much men need to be whispering dirty things into womens ears lol we like it a lot!!! any sort of “claiming”, making her know “her place” as “being his” is usually high ranking in the circles I run in also.

  4. **The five sexiest things a man can do in bed.**

    **I**T’S common knowledge that you can’t change anyone in a relationship. You’re responsible for yourself, your growth and your own change.

    It’s common knowledge that you can’t change anyone in a relationship.

    You’re responsible for yourself, your growth and your own change.

    And yes, while this is true, there are certainly things you can maximize, things you can encourage and ways to make what your partner already does even better.

    And by doing this, everyone wins.

    Men almost invariably, when they care about you, aim to please.

    They want you to be happy.

    And as a lover, they want you to be satisfied.

    The more you are, the more they are.

    It’s a mean spirited and inaccurate stereotype to think of men as selfish lovers in the main.

    Yes, statistically and physiologically it’s easier for men to achieve orgasm: but they spend a great deal of their energy pursuing you, seducing you, romanticizing you, appreciating your body and its response to their touch not only for their own pleasure, but genuinely also for yours.

    So take this deep desire of a man to be an excellent lover and make it work to its fullest potential for your pleasure!

    1. Focusing their energy on giving you pleasure

    Women are multi-taskers and they excel at it. Men are superb at doing one task until success.

    They have relentless energy when they concentrate on achieving one thing.

    Harness this focus. They love to orgasm and want you to, too.

    Don’t feel guilty if they’re spending a lot of time on you.

    Revel in it! Let them take their natural skill of concentrating on one thing at a time and make that thing you.

    2. Give them praise so they know what works

    Ok, so many men may not take direction well or even like to ask for directions at all, but they do respond well to praise and ego boosts.

    So … say everything about sex and lovemaking and pleasure positively.

    Whether that’s choosing a position, setting a good rhythm, tempo and pressure of touch.

    They will change to meet your need once you express it in a reassuringly erotic and hot way filled with praise, yeah baby yeah.

    3. Using their hands

    Men are good with their hands.

    From Lego to model making, sport, puzzles, and even video games, men can use their hands!

    Emphasize their touch by guiding their hands and encourage touch all over your body.

    4. Help him focus on visuals

    Men are suckers for a sexy sight. They’re visual.

    You have to be living under a rock to not know this.

    It’s wired into the construction of their brains, literally.

    They respond to seeing visual stimuli.

    Want them to gravitate to a sexy area of your body? Emphasize it visually!

    5. Let him catch your scent

    They are hugely turned on by your smell. Not everyone woman is as ‘scentually focused’ as their man, but men are ruled by their senses when it comes to sex.

    Whether you think it’s their primal nature or that they are an evolved lover, either way, your man loves the way you smell.

    He might be the first to tell you that and he may even tell you when he doesn’t care for your smell (that’s how sensitive, tuned in and turned on or off some men can be to it), so whether it’s a big erotic trigger for you or not, be aware it’s almost certainly a sexy attribute for your guy.

    Tease him with it, seduce him with it. When he smells you, your skin, that scent that is uniquely you (and we’re not talking store bought perfume here), he will want you!

  5. It’s usually dirty talking for me. Especially when he’s being slightly dominant but still praising me, like calling me a good girl when I do something he particularly likes. Nothing makes me come faster than when I’m getting close and he asks me if I’m going to come for him, and I say yes, and he says “good girl”

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