How frequently do you tell your close friends you love them?

  1. “love”, never

    But I make time for them and put effort into staying in touch.

  2. When I leave I say it almost every time. It’s easy and some people may not hear it enough or at all from anyone else. When I was in my 20s I had a friend tell me in private that his parents rarely or ever said it to him and how much it meant to him, even though he would joke about it.

  3. Do you guys not sign off at the end of a text conversation to your homies with hearts? Cmon fellas…..🖤

  4. I tell them all the time but in today’s world its just survival and nothing registers period

  5. I actually do say it every so often to my four legged friends. I never say it to my human friends.

  6. all the time. I give them hugs too because if you don’t hug your friends and family, who will?

  7. I typically say how my friends are all idiot assholes and they say the same. It’s just code for “you’re awesome dude”.

  8. I’ve started to more and more. Life’s to short and difficult to do it well without your peeps in your corner… Gotta let’em know how much they mean!

  9. Back when I was in college, for a lot of my dude friends I’d play a stupid joke where whenever we’d call each other, instead of saying bye I’d always say “I love you”

    Pretty juvenile, but it was an easy laugh for both of us. Either they’d get tripped up or just say I love you back as an automatic response and not realize. On my end I’d get a good laugh if someone would ask me if that was my SO or parents and I’d be like “oh no that was Bill”

    Then it kind of turned into an inside joke, even when we were in long term relationships we’d still go and do it. When my friend came out as gay to us, we still did it. When our friend transitioned we still did it. Then a friend got married and we’d still go and stay it and as the years went on it really didn’t seem weird or odd

    It started off as funny but now we’re all in our 30’s and it’s been kind of nice to see us still doing that. While there will still be the odd toxic masculine side eye every once in awhile when we do it, overwhelmingly everyone around us not only supports it but I think kind of envies how much care there is between us. I still have random times where friend’s parents will joke about the time they thought their son was dating someone when in reality it was just me calling me to go meet us to go play Smash. Or friend’s wives’ being jealous of the bond that we have we each other now about almost two decades later

    While I totally get why some guys feel weird doing it, I will say I’m pretty happy I do it with my friends and will say it does feel weird at first, but it gets pretty normal fast

  10. Never. Culturally, that is not something we do. ‘Love’ between non-kin is understood to mean romantic love.

  11. Every time we end a conversation on the phone. If it’s in person when everyone goes home

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