We are both women in our 20s. This was a person I briefly hung out with three times after we were in a program for a week or two together. I thought she was fun to be with but when I tried texting her inviting to do something she ghosted me two years ago. I am only curious how she’s doing and miss her despite not knowing her well, and thought maybe we could hang out again. I am straight and would hate for her to think I’m creepy for asking how she is doing. Again, is it creepy to text a hardly known (obviously not close) friend after this much time has past to ask how they are doing? I read in other post that said it would be odd when someone asked something similar (texting old friends being more natural if it was a close friend after time has pasted)

  1. Idk if you should reach out if she ghosted you. She might just not want to talk to you tbh.

  2. Send them a text. They may be delighted to hear from you. It’s ok if they don’t reply. People change over time, and you won’t know if they are keen to catch up if you don’t reach out to them. It’s not creepy or weird to try to reconnect with someone from your past, so please don’t worry about that. They will probably find it flattering that you liked them enough to reach out. Please let us know if you need help preparing the text

  3. I mean it’s just a text. So if she doesn’t write back it’s not a big deal. It is hard to say why someone ghosted. I don’t know if I would think it was creepy. I might not immediately know who you were unless you told me “from the whatever the name was program”. I wouldn’t make it long. Also, she may have changed her phone number so if you ever run into her , don’t be mad. I have changed mine a couple times.

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