A recently uncovered ancient edict says the pope is entitled to breakfast from a random person once a year, His Holiness has chosen you at random, what do make?

  1. Proper English Breakfast. Which I know is open to interpretation.
    Sausage, bacon, eggs. Etc

  2. May as well expose him to a normal person’s breakfast.

    Slice of toast with butter, a piece of fruit of his choice (but I only ever have oranges, bananas, and strawberries in the house), and a cup of coffee.

  3. The classic Columbian breakfast of course.

    Fresh coffee.

    A ripe banana.

    Followed by a fat like of coke.

  4. Bacon, eggs, and toast with canna-butter. Then some psilocybin cyanescens basted with- you guessed it, canna-butter. Me an his holiness gonna have a talk about kids. Recorded for your benefit of course.

  5. “I’m late, but there’s oreo in the cabinet and some redbull in the fridge, bye”

  6. I hope he likes Chobani yogurt, Cheerios, and coffee. That’s all I got that’s considered breakfast foods.

  7. I boil up some rice and carrots, seasoned with garlic salt. You can’t go wrong with basic vegetables.

  8. Bad taste on the part of the Pope there, I’m a descendant of Huguenots. Oat porridge with a bit of butter and sugar with coffee on the side. While I stare at him and ask questions such as -‘how does the Church intend to redress the genocide they perpetrated on my ancestors’

  9. well if he is turning up unnanouced then hes getting a cup of tea and a light splif. Then we’ll see away the morning by watching Everybody loves Raymond, Frasier, and then The Bill.

    NB – i work nights.

    If he does give me some notice, we’ll meet up at the local cafe and he can choose anything on the breakfast menu, my treat.

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