There are people i’ve seen on some of the Brit subs that are basically bragging / laughing about doing this. That ‘fast one’ is theft and risks getting the delivery person fired. Don’t do that shit.

Here is a reference, it’s north american but obvs same principles apply: [\_driver\_confronts\_a\_customer\_who\_got\_him/](

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  2. I haven’t, mainly because I’m [generally] honest and not a scummy scamming thief.

  3. Seen that before I went to bed last night.

    Dirty tramp got the nice fella fired and couldnt even look him in the eyes and admit her wrong doing.

  4. i once complained the ice cream was cold and got a refund on it, does that count? I don’t think it should count as I was being honest

  5. No, whenever I complained it was for a legitimate reason. I used to get the wrong order or missing items a lot. Which made me realise i was probably using the app too frequently 🙃

  6. I used to deliver pizzas and this happened a lot, but the shop owners took the addresses anyone that did it got banned from ordering.
    Quite often it would be “oh my order got delivered but there was a pizza missing”, so we’d go round and re-deliver the “missing pizza” but make sure it was hours later and sometimes wake them up 😂

  7. > Don’t do that shit.

    I don’t think the kind of person who does this will have their mind changed by a reddit post.

  8. No, because I’m not scum.

    People who do that kind of stuff really should question their life choices, how much of a tramp does someone (in full time employment, in this case) need to be when they’re going around stealing ÂŁ10 meals?

  9. Lmao I’ve been told by ubereats that I’m being monitored because I ask for ‘too many refunds for missing items’. I’ve never done anything dishonest, my local McDonald’s is just shit and forgets something most times I order. Still need my nuggies though

  10. Got the opposite: Just Eat dragged their feet in refunding me a missing item because I had had items not delivered before. Figured fair enough, so got them evidence of the missing item (one of two drinks) from CCTV, and they still refused.

    Took me several weeks to get the money back. Got some complementary credit, decided might as well use it… restaurant once again left an item out and Just Eat told me computer says no.

    I’ve now closed my Just Eat account, *and* avoid the local KFC who keeps forgetting items for delivery.

  11. I have enough trouble trying to get a refund from Uber Eats when their is genuine problems, it honestly isn’t worth my time fighting them for a few pounds over made up issues.

  12. Best case I had was some woman had ordered from us on Deliveroo and soon as it was delivered ( Like within 1 minute I shit you not ) we got a notification of cancellation on our machine. I guess she didn’t see the part where it says the food is delivered by restaurant staff because I rang our driver up and told him what happened. He left the phone on whilst he went back to the flat, held his finger on the doorbell for at least a good 5 minutes until she comes down and goes “fucking hell fine, here” and gives him the food back.

    This was before COVID and unfortunately it’s a lot more common now.

  13. Mate of mine has done the odd shift delivering pizzas off & on for a few years to supplement his income, he recently started doing it more as he’s gone back to studying full-time.

    He was telling me that they had a girl who would routinely order sizeable takeaways, the meal deals that are usually over ÂŁ20, then call the takeaway to claim they weren’t delivered & request to have the order cancelled/refunded as she “had to go elsewhere instead”. She did this twice, maybe three times, and on one occasion my mate was the driver.

    He got questioned by the takeaway owner and thankfully had a dashcam which would record for a few minutes after the car was switched off. The footage showed him go to the address, get out of the car with the food, knock on the door, the girl claiming to have not received the food then answers & takes in the delivery.

    As luck would have it, a delivery came in for a house either on the same/in a nearby street as this girl – so the owner of the takeaway jumped in with my mate to go do the delivery.

    He then went down to this girl’s door, knocked on it and explained who he was. He explained that they had footage that the food was delivered approximately 1 minute before the order was claimed undelivered, gesturing towards the dashcam in the front of my mate’s car. He then handed her a receipt for all of the takeaways she had fraudulently claimed back, told her that she had 7 days to pay him or he was reporting her for theft & that any future orders to her address would be cancelled on receipt.

    Apparently he got the money back the next day.

  14. I did claim missing item as McDonald’s didn’t bring my Tropicana I was going to get with my breakfast and they refunded the whole order.

    If this was a small company I would have made it right but as it’s McDonald’s I left it

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