What is that thing which others find hard, but you can do easily?

  1. I’m strangely calm in emergency situations. Have some first aid training and saved a few lives. But when people are screaming and losing their minds, the situation feels to be moving slowly for me.

    Listening to people talk about reality tv shows feels more painful to me.

  2. Mine is remembering things. That number you brought up casually in conversation last week? I remember it. That night you blacked out and forgot everything that happened? I will recite every detail.

  3. Building things without schematics are one thing.

    Seing through propaganda are another thing ive found i am betrer than most at.

    Langauge, many say i have a gift. Not so sure myself though.

  4. Basic problem solving. At least, I consider them basic. This includes math, finding directions, finding a systematic way of taking something apart without instructions, etc. Maybe it’s just the way I’m wired, but I break everything down into easily palatable segments and solve them bit by bit rather than look at the whole picture at a time. Less stress, few distractions, and it makes things go by quickly.

  5. Computer programming. There’s no magic, just complexity made out of simple parts.

    It does take practice, though, and I’ve been at it for years and years

  6. Lie to people. A couple of years ago I would’ve said that was a great feature but I’ve since learned my lesson and do not do it any anymore.

  7. I am very good at job interviews. I’ve been told (recently) by one of the selection panel that I was the best interview they have ever seen. Don’t know why I have this talent. I’m also very good at using crypto/blockchain.

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