Data: Is my first date, I’m 17, she is 16 and we will meet in a shopping mall

I met this girl in snapchat and we have been talking for about 2 months and today we will finally have our “first date” even though its not formalized as the “first date”. But yeah, is a date.

We already know a lot about each other but what do yall recommend me to say in the first contact. I was thinking of the typical “hi, how are you” but I think the response is too close and then there will be a few seconds of akward silence.

Here comes the “Is this good?”:
My outfit will be a normal jeans, basic white airforces and a beige hoodie. Is this good?
I am planning to just eat fast food like mcdonalds or something like that, since we are both minors, i think is more normal than going to a restaurant. Is this good?

Also, what can I do to not make the conversation boring?

I highly appreciate any response <3

  1. I remember being that young. Hormones raging out of control and being inexperienced. You’re overthinking it a lot. Pretend you’re at the shopping mall with your sister.

    Advice: Lose the hoodie. Go to a family friendly restaurant. If you can, sit next to her, not across.

    Hug her when you see her. Ask if she made it there okay. Talk about what stores you want to hit up. You’ll be walking a lot so you can mention interesting things you see especially when you browse the stores. Be cool. Tell stories, and ask about her and what she likes. Play it cool. After the date, ask her when she wants to hangout next. Preferably at her place or yours.

  2. Try to let her do most of the talking, think of and try to ask questions that aren’t one word or short answers. Bonus points if you can get her really talking about something she loves/is passionate about. Most importantly actually listen!! That’s where allot of dudes get it wrong. That and they don’t fully see women as people even if it’s subconsciously painting them as 2 dimensional. Everyone has layers to them, the side they show in public, the stuff they hint about, the deeper stuff that’s usually reserved for those late night talks, the stuff they don’t want to tell anyone.. getting through some of those layers is how you really get to learn a person. Prime example the last girl I was seeing was fun and bubbly and that’s all most people saw but she also loves Japanese culture and philosophy and watches documentaries/reads books about it etc.. ninety nine percent of her friends and the ex Before me didn’t even know and the few that did just thought she was into anime. For some reason I really loved the fact she loved it and before we got together I’d start sending her random phrases and stuff in Japanese and calling her variations of Sakura (cherry blossom in Japanese, helps she’s a red head) and she adored/adores me still for it because I looked past the surface and saw a piece of the real her underneath all the social bs

  3. Never forget this moment, it only happens once. I can’t remember my first official date 😢

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