I need advice, my girlfriend’s friends have been trying to make us break up because of my past, the thing is, I get them, they are just trying to protect her, but I’ve changed, I’m not the same horrible person anymore. Anyways, I overlooked this for a while, but recently it got too far, apparently, my girlfriend has had beef with this red hair girl for a while now, and her friends took the opportunity to claim that I, allegedly, was “flirting” with this red head, and their lies caused us to fight, it was hurtful how she believed them more than me. I honestly have no reason to cheat on her, she is everything I ever wanted. In the end we resolved it and she believed me, but I know that this will happen again, what do I do?

  1. You two could try couples therapy. It’s alarming that she doesn’t trust you.

  2. Tell her this entire post

    And that you would never cheat on her since she’s everything you’ve ever wanted

    I’m assuming you cheated in the past. I personally despise cheaters myself since I was cheated on & hated them long before that

    However if she lets her friends without any literal evidence at all to convince her more than talking things out with you, just end it

  3. There’s not a lot you can do other than talk to the friends directly to try and sort it out and it sounds like that ship sailed some time ago.

    Treat your girlfriend like a queen, they will either notice and change their opinion or your girlfriend won’t care what they say because they’re wrong.

  4. Mate this is tough situation.

    Her friends sound toxic and whilst I appreciate and understand what they are saying about your past, the fact is, people can change. What her friends done was pretty spiteful in all honesty.

    I would never hang out with her friends if I can avoid it or I would walk away from the relationship.

  5. Thanks to all of you who have responded in so short of a time period, I appreciate it

  6. Win over her friends. If you think they’re people with good intentions that are worth reaching out to. You don’t need to win them all, just maybe the more influential ones. Either the “leaders” of their group or the ones closer to your gf.

  7. Tell her what you’ve told us, and let her know that her bitter (and would I be correct in assuming single?) friends are this way for a reason. If you’ve already come clean about your past, shown that you’re beyond it, and she has absolutely nothing to actually complain about, ask her why she keeps letting her friends slip poison into her ear. Also tell her that if she’s not willing to trust you over the people that blatantly lie and try to manipulate her, there’s the door as it will be better in the long term if she leaves now.

  8. I would tell her that her friends are intentionally sabotaging our relationship and that I don’t want to live like that. I would then wish her well and move on without her.

  9. Your past will haunt you; and sounds like you’ve still got ghosts.

    You got to continue to prove you’ve changed by being a solid dude and putting up with the skepticism. Don’t allow room for questioning your intentions, just be perfect all the time

    Or you can move on to someone else where you don’t have so many burned bridges

  10. “what do I do?”
    Talk to your girlfriend about these concerns instead of a bunch of dumbass dudes on reddit.

  11. Give her time, try not to get angry, build trust. Prove her friends wrong. You were just a kid back then, people grow out of it.

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