Who’s the creepiest person you’ve ever met and why were they so creepy/weird?

  1. Some guy kept asking me about my feet. My dumbass thought there was some sort of foot fungus going on. Turns out, he just has a foot fetish.

  2. A kid in middle school got into a fight with a girl and bit her elbow. When we asked him why he said because it looked crunchy like fried chicken. Yeah, that kid.

  3. Steven. He was always trying to hard to cling to friends and immature for a 4th grader. One day he shot another student with a shotgun. He came to my house to play sometime later and mom wouldn’t let us. Never saw him again.

  4. Oh holy fuck. This is one of those rare threads where I have the perfect story for this. So I was in college, and I went back home like I usually do for Christmas. We went to church one of the Sundays that I was there, and my mom introduced me to this guy about my age who she said seemed like a nice guy but had trouble making friends (she literally meant friends, I’m a straight guy). And there was something about him that was just…off. he never seemed to smile, never seemed to have any normal facial expression. His eyes kept shifting around the room when I was trying to talk to him. I told my mom that he seemed odd. Went back to college a couple weeks later and forgot the whole thing.

    Two months later, he got arrested for sexually assaulting women at the nursing home where he worked.

  5. I can’t say anyone has ever creeped me out. To be be creeped out by an individual is to have a fear of them. I’ve reprogrammed my brain away from fear and moreso into being ready to mame or kill anything that threatens my peace, sanity, or family. Fear can suck it.

  6. guy moves in to the rental house next door. after a few months, i find out he needs a job. he has the bare minimum of quals for the company im at. he gets a job there on my recommendation.

    We carpool for a year before i get a promotion, and our schedules are nolonger the same. Hes always telling storys about how his exwife screwed him over. Everyone thinks that hes been divorced for a year or two. Shes the worst; she cheated on him while their son was dying of cancer, she emptied the bank account, took the car, the dog, etc. Country western song.

    He goes and buys a car at 30% interest or something insane like that. I ask him why hes paying so much. He blames his exwife for wrecking his credit. ok. Pretty soon after that, he starts acting weird towards me. I ask him why, and he says that he should have been offered the position i was promoted to. I point out that he lacks cert thats required. Then, point him to the employee handbook. the company will pay for the class and cert if he turns in the transcript and gets a B or better, but he has to take the classes on his time.

    He thanks me and goes to take the class. School wants money up front. He tells company that i said they’d pay for it. company asks me why i said that – i go “oh no. i pointed at the employee handbook. this person witnessed it”. witness confirms my story. He pays for the class, and starts taking it. Cool. Except, he cant pass it. He puts in for reimbursment, and its denied. His wife comes over and yells at me, they cant pay their bills and its my fault.

    Woah, what?!!?!?!

    So, then nails start appearing in my cars tires. I call the cops the cops ask if i suspect anyone, i point at him but i lack proof. cop goes over and tells him to leave me alone. he denies everything. Cop comes back to me and says that the neighbor denies everything.

    no proof so….

    ok. its annoying, but i get it.

    fast forward 6 months and hes retaken the class, got a C, got the cert. Company wont reimburse him (because he doesn’t have the B grade they require), but he has the cert so hes eligible for things. fast forward 6 months, and we’re both tapped to go on a trip. Companys bank denies him a Visa because he has terrible credit (he blames his exwife).

    Company offers him a pay advance to cover hotel/food/taxi but he has to turn in reciepts.

    we go on the trip. when we get back, finance and the CEO come to me to ask why i told him he could buy shirts, hats, merch. Wait, what?!?!? i didnt say shit. we have a meeting, and he says that he saw me buying it so he figured it was ok. No, no, no. I did buy that stuff on MY card, not the company card – check my company card. All of my expenses are legit. Hes told he has to pay back $300 for the merch he bought, or he’ll be terminated. he agrees to pay it back.

    When I get home his wife comes over screaming at me that its my fault they cant pay their bills because i didnt “have his back” at the meeting. I try explaining to her, but she’s not hearing anything I say.

    fast forward another 6 months. My partner starts working with a lady. Lady comes over for dinner, and gets really weird when she sees him outside l.

    shes the exwife. theyve been divorced for 14 years (remember the poor credit thing he blamed on her? Her part in that ended years before I ever met him). She says she didnt cheat on him, she didnt empty the bank account, but yes their marriage did collapse when their kid came down with cancer. the cancer treatments drained their account, and after the divorce she did start seeing a guy that Dude knows so Dude has been telling everyone that she was a cheater. Shes super sweet, and clearly terrified of him. My partner is still friends with her.

    Dude sees the exwife leave our place, and he comes over screaming at us. My partner calls the cops who come and tell him to simmer down and go home OR catch a disturbing the peace and menacing charge. Next week at work, hes being a total dick to me. Other people call HR to complain about him repeatedly, and he blames me for it, telling HR that i put them up to it because im friends with his ex. Everyone denies this. I didn’t call HR.

    Fast forward a couple weeks and he quits, saying that its because im spreading lies about him, sending an email on the send-all to everyone in the company. he tells his wife that i got the CEO to fire him. the wife comes over screaming at me that theyre going to lose their house because im a backstabber.

    noooo lady. your hubby quit. here, lemme forward his resignation email (that he emailed to everyone at the company) to you. a few weeks later, they moved.

    And i have a new policy; i dont recommend neighbors to jobs.

  7. I had a co-worker once who wouldn’t shut up about how much he preferred high-school girls over adults. He would actually say that girls reach their peak around age 14.

    I felt like reporting him to the police, but he never said anything specific enough to be actionable. Nevertheless, that guy was creepy as hell.

  8. Gather ’round, and I shall tell you the story of “Narf.”

    My first job was at a trash and recycling center, but not the type you’ve probably seen. This was essentially a sweat shop, and we had to sort the trash by hand. Gross, I know, but it was all I could do at 14 years old. One of our frequent “customers” was this old frail guy. He’d be waiting in the parking lot at 6:30am, waiting for us to open the doors. He’d walk in, pour his bags out, get his money for recyclables, go to the nearby liquor store and that was his M-W-F schedule. On the outside, he seemed harmless but there was just something about him that was unnerving, like he had a terrible past, got away with it all, and was enjoying blending in knowing such. We saw him multiple times a week for the better part of 2 years.

    One day he showed up and handed us a large box filled with dusty video cassettes. He goes “*you boys ought’a like this, I tried donating it to my church but they wouldn’t take it.*” He then left and *we never saw him again*. I looked through the box and it was just a bunch of old Disney movies from what it appeared. One of my coworkers said he’d take the box home and go through it.

    The next day, my coworker said nothing about the movies until I asked him about it. His response was “I burned them all.” Turns out, the *sleeves* were Disney, but the content was not. He said it started out as a Disney movie, but was recorded over about 2 minutes in. Most of it was home-made smut with “Narf” written on them with permanent marker. And he said that some of it was “of questionable age.” My coworker wanted nothing to do with it, so he burned it (and I believe him, too). Part of me thinks it would have been better to turn it over to the police. It was probably evidence to a lot of crimes.

  9. A drunk 50 year old hit on me when I was like 19, very overtly. Her friend had to drag her away by her arm. If I wasn’t with my girlfriend I might have been into it

  10. My mom once met John Wayne Gacy at a party and felt pretty creeped out by him. Don’t think I can top that.

  11. i knew a paranoid schizophrenic who was also a psychopath. He would randomly delude himself into believing that someone was out to get him and then had to problem hurting them to “protect” himself. He was the kind of guy who would come up behind someone with piano wire. All my creepy alarms went off like crazy whenever he was around.

  12. The guy who told me he once microwaved a cat. I will never forget it. Still grosses me out to this day. That was the only conversation I had with him and I intend to keep it that way.

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