how would you respone if someone calls you stupid?

  1. Stop interacting with them. It’s obviously not true, so they are just lashing out trying to be hurtful, and I don’t need that in my life.

  2. Nothing, or agree if it was something stupid I said or did. A single action or conversation does not determine one’s overall intelligence.

  3. It depends who is saying it. If it’s one of my kids, I’d be like “Yeah, probably. Love you!”

    If it’s someone else, I’d be confused and just distance myself from them because they don’t have appropriate manners.

  4. I’m rubber, you’re glue… what you say bounces off me and sticks to you 😝 then add “neener neener” as a finishing touch

  5. “Oh… kay? I’m going to go over here now.” And then move away from them like they have some sort of word vomit problem.

  6. Thank them for their honest criticism, and then become less stupid. Everyone has room for improvement.

  7. Confused, laugh or “seriously” raised eyebrow. Either way, they have placed themselves on my “Pay this juvenile idiot no mind” list.

  8. Depends on who said it, under what circumstances, via what method, and my mood when they say it. Online gets a laugh and a block, some will get away with it because we know each other, some will end up crying when I’m done hurting their fuckin feelings. Depends.

  9. Is this someone a toddler? If not, my response would be confusion that they are coming at me in such an immature manner. Then context dependent, I would probably move on with my life and mentally categorize this someone as “waste of time, do not engage”.

  10. How does me being stupid invalidate my central point? If you can’t refute my point that’s a you problem, not a me problem. And if it bothers you that you can’t knock down the argument of a stupid person that’s your problem, not mine.

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