When is the most unnecessary moment a woman used the “I have a boyfriend” line on you?

  1. I was training someone at the job we worked at and the only things that came out of my mouth were directly work related…

  2. My first day at my first ever job, I asked a co worker if she could show me how to do something and her friend responded with “you do know she has a boyfriend right”

  3. I got a “would you just fuck off” for trying to tell her she dropped her wallet.

  4. Adding them on Snapchat and saying hi. Bro, if you don’t talk to guys on Snapchat besides your boyfriend, why add them?

  5. I was late and unsure if I missed the bus (back then I couldn’t just look it up in an app) but if so it would only have been like a minute at max. So I asked the first person at the bus stop – instead of simply answering with a yes/no/idk, well, THAT happened. I was taken by surprise for a second, then said “Good for you, but I couldn’t care less, I just wanted to know if I missed my bus”

  6. It has happened a number of times, and ironically with women I had zero interest in.

    I’m a chatty guy and I like to talk.

    I do an inner “eye roll” and think to myself “don’t flatter yourself”.

    An interesting “other side” to a frequently posted topic on reddit about guys mistakenly thinking a woman is into them just because she treated them nicely.

  7. It was a job interview, she said that I shouldn’t be asking her any personal questions because she has a boyfriend and he’ll beat me up. How do you interview someone and not ask any personal questions? Needless to say she did not get the job.

  8. Years ago I was asked to attended a pub crawl with coworkers. The crawl was organized by one of my coworkers university aged girlfriend. One of the university chicks made a point to come over, start a conversation with me, which began with her telling me she had a bf so not to get any ideas. She was probably 15 years my junior, overweight and a 4. Like, you’re safe, Love.

  9. Had a long time friend on social media who had a pet pass away. Told her I was sorry for her loss. She unfriended.

    Her exact words:
    “I have a boyfriend… You need to stop talking to me.”

  10. A girl left her phone in the metro and she told me twice that she had a boyfriend before realizing that I was holding her phone right before her face.

  11. I unintentionally stared at her whilst miles away inside my own head and listening to heavy metal. Wasn’t wearing my glasses, so she was kind of just a blur of colour. Literally couldn’t have been giving her the eyes even if I wanted to. She didn’t even register as a person in my head, just background stuff.

  12. A woman entered a lift after me. I held the door open for her, and after pushing the button for my floor, I asked her which floor for her. She answered “I have a boyfriend”.

  13. Well, it wasn’t quite the “I have a boyfriend line,” but in high school I asked out this really cute girl who was way out of my league, and instead of just saying no, she told me she couldn’t because her dad doesn’t like Mexicans. I’m like half Mexican and I look maybe 1/8 Mexican lol

  14. Two times that were pretty similar.

    Trying to get to the sauce at a bar and once at a restaurant. First one was relatively innocuous, just got chips, the sauce was unused on their table/bar thing. Got an “excuse me” out before she pulled the line.

    Other time the girls group cut in line at a buffet, in front of my then 7 year old. Said excuse me while trying to get past them so I could do my kids plate and she pulled the line. That one was more funny since it was my wife (who was right beside me) who said something. She did try saying something smartass afterwards but I think our laughing at her embarrassed her, she left the line before we got to the next section. Her mates stayed though

  15. When I was trying to point out she had a flat tire at a stop light.

    Never get an attitude from a guy when I’m trying to do something kind. 🤷‍♂️

  16. I was on a flight once and I saw this woman reading a book in the seat across the aisle from me. It was a book that I had just finished recently and enjoyed very much. She was right at the beginning of it.

    I waited for a moment when she had put the book down and I leaned over and said,”How do you like that book so far? I just finished it and believe me when I tell you, it just gets better and better as you read.”

    She gave me this really big fake smile and said “I’m sorry, but I have a boyfriend. Flattering though, thank you.”

    I just laughed and showed her my ring. I said “Ma’am, I wasn’t hitting on you.”

    She didn’t even look embarrassed. She just said “Sure, ok” and went back to her book. I couldn’t believe it.

  17. A girl had a brown spot on her jeans (on her butt). I tapped her shoulder and she said she has a boyfriend. I told her about the spot and she sprinted.

  18. We were a group at a food court and They asked me to find another chair for the table. I saw a girl eating alone and went to ask her if I could take one of the chairs. I barely said excuse me and she interrupted with “I have a BF” I said cool, but is he going to need all three of these chairs, because we could really use one of them over there?

    She blushed and said it was ok if I took a chair.

    I don’t blame her, it was funny as hell.

  19. The sub witchesvsthepatriarchy or witchedagainstthepatriarchy is a giant “ I have a boyfriend” cesspool. I used to like it but more and more I noticed that anytime they talk about any interaction with men it’s like they’re being harassed or assaulted when the description is just guys being decent friendly human beings.

  20. im a girl, but i added a guy on snap (with completely friendly intentions) and sent him a snap of my face saying “hi, nice to meet ya” or smthing like that. he promptly responded with a snap of him and his gf flipping me off. i then got blocked 💀

  21. I asked for her number.

    She said, she has a bf

    I said that’s great, but every take out order needs a phone number to get completed

  22. At a bar I turned to see a fat unattractive woman enter the front door. She looked right at me and said to me “I have a boyfriend.” I replied ” that poor bastard” and went back to drinking.

  23. In a hardware store trying to buy pipe nipples. For the unaware pipe nipples are precut amd threaded short lengths of pipe. She was sitting in front of them on her mobility scooter, all 600lbs of her. Conversation went something like this.

    “Excuse me mam”

    Her “piss off i have a boyfriend”

    “Great i need to get to the pipe nipples behind you”

    Her “what did you say about my nipples” at a shrill screaming volume.

    Fortunately an employee was like 5ft away and heard the whole exchange.

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