We have been dating for a year. At first, we did not fight or argue at all, but in the last few weeks, we have been fighting constantly. Both of us were at fault, but for this post, I will just list my issues.

* I kept doing things that he does not like because I did not take them seriously.
* I also turned it down when he wanted to do something with me, such as walking, or hiking; I did not realize how much it affects him when we do not do things together.
* I am also very needy and get upset if he doesn’t talk with me.

Last week was the final straw for him.

Now, I realized I was a total POS toward him; I did not appreciate the chances that he gave me to fix myself, and I did not respect his boundary. I know that I will seriously try to fix them now if I have another chance. So I begged him to give me a final chance, but he didn’t. I asked him to meet up and solve our problems, but he refused.

I love this man a lot, more than anything, and I do not want to lose him. I know I was childish and truly sorry for what I have done. I am devastated. I asked him to just let’s take a break instead, but he said he cannot promise that this is just a break and asked to befriend for a bit. However, he asked me to keep sending memes like we used to.

I need advice on what I should do if I want him back. Should I give him space? or should I keep texting him as a friend?

tl;dr: My boyfriend broke up with me. I realized that I messed up, and I want him back.

  1. He just need space let him be for a couple days and you can take a break time and think what things you need to change and that you need to respect boundaries

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