Like everyday I try to talk to new people but my chats obviously r boring asf so the next day they don’t talk to me unless I go first and they’re probably just being forced to reply. What can I do to make people like talking to me

  1. most important thing is to be yourself!! be relaxed. maybe try asking questions about themselves and broaden the conversation.

  2. take a genuine interest in the people you’re talking to. get them to talk about themselves and ask questions.
    make them feel like you care.

  3. Texting interactions are based on real life interactions, not the other way around. Do you talk to people in person ? What kind of impressions do you make on them ? What kind of vibes do you give off ? These things are what people take into account when responding to your contact. Are you self confident or are you anxious/nervous/overthinking/worrying a lot in your head ? Are you genuinely connecting with people in the moment or are you so focused on the outcome of the conversation i.e. whether they like you or not ? Chances are If you are having anxiety while texting, You are likely have anxiety in real life too. There are verbal and nonverbal actions that people pick up on that reveal how anxious you are. People see the way you carry yourself and act around them. In general, people see the aforementioned behaviors as negative vibes because you convey you are unworthy to hold a decent conversation with them and that you constantly need approval or validation. Those are not things you want to convey. People gravitate towards self confidence and positive vibes, not anxiety.

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