My (22F) boyfriend (25) and I have been together for 5,5 years (living together for 1.5 years). Two years ago we had a downfall and broke up for 2 months just to find our way back to each other.

The last weeks had been absolute horror. He picks fights over absolutely nothing. Acts very distant towards me from time to time. He does want to cuddle and wants to kiss, but everything else he is distant. He is not telling me how his day went at work, how things were when he visited his mother and stuff like that. He always did this.

Yesterday he told me he is planning over something we planned months ago. It had a lot of work and we have to drive up to 3 hours for it to go there. He told me he does not feel like going because it are my friends and not his. Infact, he likes my friends. He can get really good along with them. I really do not understand why he quit going so suddenly and does not give me a good or believable reason.

Last few months cancelling plans became quite a habbit. He does not want to do things as just us, and that bothers me too. He insists he wants to take his brother and his GF or his friends. I asked him why he insists of other people joining and he said “Just the two of us is boring and we can save on costs this way” Dont get me wrong, I like his friends and brother. I dont really mind them to be there from time to time, but he wants it with everything. But with his friends I am most likely to be left out or forgotten.

I want to talk to him about this, but I don’t know how to start or how to express what I feel. He is really bad with expressing his emotions and frustrations. Thats something he always had. Am I at the end of our relationship or is this fixable? Any advise or thing I do need to ask?

  1. Only your BF can tell you if you are at the end of your relationship, but it looks that way. You need to have a heart to heart conversation with him. He seems checked out unless you are having sex. You may want to suggest ending the relationship to your BF unless he starts to be more attentive.

  2. Sadly you partner has disconnected. This relationship is dying.

    Is there any hints that he might have found someone else? Excess phone usage, coming home late, showering immediately after coming home. Etc
    This might be the case and it might not be. Just a idea.

    Is he depressed?

    Is there any new changes or stresses in his life?

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