How old are you and your significant other? How long have you been together? How often do you have sex? And how often do you pleasure yourself alone?

  1. Early 60s, been together over 25 years, frequency cycles up and down from about once a week to everytime we are alone and nothing is on fire… (busy people)

  2. 40/38, 18 years, 3/4 times week, breaks of 2/3 weeks

    Edit: I will say, this has only been the normal for 2/3 years. There have been times where we’d go months w/o sex and it’s nearly ruined our marriage. My wife didn’t really “find herself sexually” until she was 35 and that was after 3 pregnancies, 4 kids (twins)

  3. Both 25, 5 years together, depends really – sometimes everyday, sometimes we can skip a week lol – okay maybe averagely we have after every 3 day, maybe few times in a month

  4. 39 and 40, 15 years. Once a week intended but more like once or twice a month, every other day or so. Try and hold off leading up to the weekend so I enjoy the sex more. Try not to get too worked up when it doesn’t happen.

  5. 1. 46/51
    2. 29 years
    3. 2 times per week on average (weekends)
    4. 1 to 2 time per week for me 3is times week for him

  6. 68. Been together 50 years. Every day. It is very important to us, so it has a regular place in our daily schedule.

  7. 31 and 39.
    12 years.
    Once or twice a week maybe.
    Maybe once or twice a month.

  8. 50 & 51, 25 years.. at least 1-2 times per week on average.. some times more sometimes not at all. My wife claims she never masturbates.. I do “as needed” 🙂

  9. Both 19. Been together for four years. Like three times a week but it’d probably be way more if we lived together. Like every other day.

  10. 52, both of us. Together 32 years. Sex about once a week, self maybe once a week.

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