Title explains it. just wanting to understand introverted men behavior a little better!!

  1. I ask them out. Because even though I am an introvert I still have social skills.

  2. Bottle it up, automatically jump to thinking they’re not interested, stop talking to them until the feeling subsides.

  3. Follow their socials/communicate with them online. (It’s much easier than in person for introverts)

  4. I mean introverted doesn’t mean unaware.

    The first and really only chick ive ever been in love with caught my eye because she was wearing a low cut little bo peep costume and had a great rack. We locked eyes a few moments later and i couldn’t have cared less about her boobs she was the most beautiful living thing i’d ever seen in my life.

    I gave a half smile and turned away.

  5. I don’t act on it as I’m married. When I was younger, I tried asking girls out and most rejected me. It was bad for my self-esteem. I got a few yeses over the years, but it was hard to psych myself up each time. I stopped pursuing women there for a few years and found myself getting more action (mostly hookups, occasionally dates) as some women would approach me. That built up my self-confidence, so I started pursuing women again and I got basically nowhere. Rinse. Repeat.

    My best relationships, including my wife, were with women who made the first move: initiated the conversation at a bar, invited me to do something together, asked if she could come see me (we were friends in college but she moved away before finishing her degree).

  6. Continue to be introverted because I have more important things going on right now

  7. If I remember correctly, I’ve had like 3 crushes till highschool, didn’t do anything though, just kept my mouth shut and moved on with my day till I graduated.

  8. I try to get closer to her lol. I try my best not to be creepy so when I do this, it’s usually in the context of trying to talk with them more and more over time. This is assuming this is someone I see at least semi-regularly.

    On the flip side, if I don’t make too much of an effort to get closer to someone, it’s a sign of non-attraction.

    And if it was someone I felt was interested in me but I am not interested/no longer interested, I would limit my time around her. I feel that’s usually the best course of action for both parties.

  9. Keep my distance make no moves and somehow expect something to happen spoiler alert nothing happens

  10. Masturbate. Post nut clarity will remind me that interacting with people is never worth it no matter how attractive they are.

  11. Ask them out. I’m introverted, not shy, and i don’t have social anxiety. I just don’t last long in social situations without becoming completely drained and needing time away from people to recharge.

  12. Depends on the context, but I ask them out if the circumstances allow.

    I’m an introvert, I’m not shy.

  13. Acknowledge it and then decide if I want persue it.

    Just because I’m an introvert that doesn’t mean that I have to lack social skills or have social anxiety disorder.

  14. Hold it in for years until one day I confess everything and ruin a perfectly good friendship in record time.

  15. Become friends with them. Take it slow with next to no ulterior motive. If you decide it is something you want, ask them on a date. There is a difference between being introverted, shy, insecure, and lacking confidence. Many “introverts” really just lack confidence. I was single for four years, talked to plenty of women and dated during that timd looking for what I felt was the best thing for me and I finally came across her. Became her friend, got to know her, eventually flirted a bit, told her she looked nice at random, did nice things for her (truly just because I felt she deserved it), already knew I at least loved beibg around her before even asking her on a date. Asked if I could take her out some time and she said yes and we have been together since. Even if insecurity or lack of confidence is more of an issue than being an introvert, you just have to realize how little being rejected matters, and also acknowledge the fact that at worst your life remains the same, at best you could fall absolutely in love and find the one for you. The good dramatically outweighs the bad, and youll never know if you dont ask. Juat treat them as a human and go from there.

  16. I go up to them, ask them out and then wait for their answer. If they say yes, cool, and I go out with them. If they say no, I shrug my shoulders and I go hit on the next woman that I find to be hot.

    Eh, you should have seen me when I first entered college.

    I spotted this gorgeous blonde young woman surrounded by fifty people, what I assumed to be, her friends/former high school classmates, and I straight up went up to her and asked her to go to the movies with me. She gently turned me down, I shrugged it off, and 6 months later we hooked-up.

    5 minutes after I was rejected, I happened to walk by this art classroom filled to the brim with hundreds of students, and I spotted this beautiful dark haired Chinese-looking foreign student, I reckoned, so I pretty much walked into a classroom where I had no business being in,went up to her and hit on her.

    Managed to get her number and slept with her after a week or texting back and forward.

    I’m nothing special to look at and I’m not rich. The reason why I get laid and why I get laid with beautiful women is that I have a thing called balls.

    If you dumb kids had spent your teen and your pre-teens years approaching and pursuing women, you would’ve gotten laid by a lot of attractive women before you were even 25 years old, but because you low testosterone, small dicked freaks grew up jerking off to porn, playing video games and eating cheeseburgers: you are unable to be real men, and of course hetero women want men, so you’re all outta luck.

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