I’m a 16 year old male in high school. Me and my old friend Bill (this is not his real name) used to hangout everyday in grade six, making us best of friends. Sadly thou my family moved and I was unable to see/hangout anymore. At this new school I met his cousin who I had a largest crush on her the second I met her in the hallways. We never dated or confessed feelings, but it wasn’t hard to notice that I liked her.
Fast Forward Four Years
Recently I moved back to my hometown and saw Bill again, and exchanged snaps.
Fast forward one month and I find out that my old crush from middle school is coming to Bill and my high school. Me still having feeling for her reaches out to her and we start to ft and talk again. Around this time I ask Bill if he would like to hangout again like the old days, he says no. Idk how to respond, or if I should respond, or if I’m breaking the bro code by talking to his cousin. Please, any advice would be helpful.

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