I’m saying things like someone possibly bringing up a topic in the wrong timing, or someone ignoring you or asking for space in a time where you really need them.

I think their actions in the end are valid and understandable as I can’t force anyone to be there for me or put their feelings ahead of mine, but the part of me that is hurt and disappointed wants an apology. Is it worth it to bring those up or are you just going to be stuck in a cycle where both people think they did nothing wrong? I’m talking in the context of very close friends.

1 comment
  1. Hmmmm i think if you agree that their actions were justified then the better route would be to self reflect why it hurt you even if you believe that they didn’t do anything wrong. If you feel like you want an apology for them hurting you, regardless if they were in the wrong, to me that shows you want emotional support, not an apology. I would self reflect to see what is lacking in yourself to find out why you need the validation of your friend and learn to self soothe for something like this. It’s okay to have close friends but I think this is co-dependent behavior and it harms not only yourself but those around you by putting your hurt feelings as a responsibility for others to make you feel better. I hope any of that makes sense. If you agree, there is good book, “co-dependent no more” by melody beattie I recommend. Helped me to be a better person for myself and my friends.

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