What causes some men to feel offended when a heterosexual woman he’s interested in states she doesn’t want marriage or kids?

  1. A lack of understanding that other people have different desires and needs from life

  2. I don’t think men are offended as they are surprised, most women want the latter.

  3. Depends on the interest. If you like someone and want to start a family with them(if you get to that point) it can be kind of a large blow to your hopes and love if they don’t want the same thing.

  4. The desire to have both tbh. I date to marry and one day have a family. Its a complete waste of my time if I am dating someone who doesn’t wish for a future like that

  5. Thinking that her reason is because he’s lacking somewhere. Not understanding she has her own personal reasons

  6. Likely it’s a mismatch of some kind.

    (1) He does, and was interested in that with her, and is disappointed (offended?) that’s rejecting his view of their future.

    (2) He didn’t think this was serious at all, and so any talk of “marriage and kids” is presumptuous about the state of relationship.

    To be honest, I think these are both kind of silly to get “offended” by, but…

  7. “Offended”? Interesting choice of words there.

    If we are basically incompatible, I walk away. Not so much bc I’m “Offended”, but b/c there’s no use continuing with someone who has dramatically different values and expectations.

  8. No idea. As a guy who’s not interested in marriage or kids, my ears would perk right up. I’d be like “Oh, hello…”

  9. Unless the man has told her that he is interested in marrying her and having kids with her, she presumptuous that he would want these things with her.

  10. I doubt it’s offended more like shock. Women are usually the ones who want that stuff the most. Most guys would be content with never getting married and just having a long term gf. Kids is a toss up, some men do, some don’t care and some flat out don’t want kids.

  11. I’d be disappointed, in that it’s what I’m looking for in a partner

    But I wouldn’t be offended, I’d just move on

  12. Offended, or lose interest?

    A guy who loses interest is someone who wants marriage and/or kids and sees this as a major incompatibility.

    A guy who gets offended is upset that his ambulatory sex object is expressing opinions.

  13. See, you got this backwards. It’s not the man who feels offended. He cuts contact because it’s a waste of time dating a woman who can’t help him fulfil his life goals. The woman feels offended because she got dropped hard.

    It’s not his job to try and change her. So if she’s not on board for the same things, his only option is to bail.

  14. Not sure. Maybe it feels like a rejection of all men? Maybe he feels like she is saying that he has no value? I’m speculating here.

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