My gfs (F18) mom loves flowers and my gf told me that her mom just beat covid this morning. I’m gonna see her later today and I (M21) thought of giving her flowers to give to the mom when she gets back.

I thought it would be a nice gesture and I would probably buy my gf flowers because she loves them too. I’m just wondering if this is weird or not, we’ve been official for 2.5 months but were talking for 5 months prior. I’ve also never met the mom before but my gf told me that she likes me so far from what she’s told her. I’m not actually giving it to the mom I would just be handing it over to my gf to give it to her since the mom will be home late today.

TLDR; is it weird if I buy my gfs mom flowers for beating covid

  1. Personally I think thats quite sweet. I think theyll both appreciate the gesture

  2. Yes its weird considering you have not met her and there is a 99% chance of beating covid.

  3. Not weird at all! It’s quite a sweet gesture really. So go do it. Nothing weird about it at all.

  4. I wouldn’t say they are for beating covid specifically, more like glad your well flowers, but for sure it’s a kind gesture and not weird at all, more people should give flowers more often

  5. It’s a terrific gesture! Flowers are an easy and very kind pick me up for someone who’s been sick. For the record, I also give men flowers. Men never get flowers and every time I give my brother or male friends a few flowers from my garden they light up!!

  6. Giving flowers to someone that is unwell, good.

    Giving flowers to someone for beating a disease most people recover from, weird.

  7. That’s not weird! Its like a get well soon card except she’s already gotten well

  8. That’s sweet. I would suggest daisies, tulips, pretty flowers. No roses and definitely no red roses. You’ll do fine.

  9. Only do this if you want her to love you like crazy and make sure that her daughter knows what a great guy you are. If you’re ready for that, then go for it. Lol.

    And big ups to you for being such a sweetheart.

  10. Not weird if you hand it over to your gf to give to her mom as you described. Pretty classy to me.

  11. A little weird ngl especially considering the fact that you’ve only been together for 2 months but it’s a nice gesture.

  12. Or maybe a box of chocolates from a cookie/candy shop ? The kind that make their own ? Not that I think flowers are a bad idea . It’s a good one ( obviously don’t get roses , don’t need dad giving you the side eye 😉

  13. A little over the top tbh. Have you bought your gf flowers yet? If not, I definitely wouldn’t get her mom any.

  14. This isn’t weird at all, it’s a very sweet gesture. Just me mindful that if you don’t already get your girlfriend flowers, and not just on holidays and her birthday, you’re going to need to start doing so.

  15. getting flowers rules. It’s the only classic romantic gesture I, as a dude, enjoy both sides of. I’ve done a lot of more broad “friend and family” flowers over the last year and it feels real nice. Go for it.

  16. You’re really sweet. Do it. It’s not too much. That’s incredibly sweet and beating COVID is a big thing. And flowers are nice for any reason! There’s nothing to regret. Even giving them to the gf to give to mom is super realistic and not over the top.

  17. No, giving flowers to family members and treats to pets/children when visiting is really attentive kind gesture.

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