I just want to know for two reasons: 1, I’m just curious, and 2, i need help.

I always tell myself and promise to myself trust that was the last time i do it and I’ll stop. But then whenever i get in the mood i rationalize it to myself on why it doesn’t matter and i should just do it anyway and i always regret it afterwords. So what can i do to make sure that even if i want to, i cannot master bait?

  1. I usually don’t want to masturbate immediately after masturbating

    But for real, what’s the issue? Are you experiencing a porn addiction or something?

  2. Unless you’re doing it many times a day every day, I don’t see why you think you need to stop.

  3. The main question here is, what about it makes you feel guilt or remorse afterward?

    Is it a drop in endorphins that leads you to feel dirty or ashamed or depressed in the aftermath? Do you feel like it’s wasted time? Or even that it’s harmful or a sin?

    In any of these cases; those feelings are generally premised in a cultural hegemony of denial as a form of strength, which itself is based in religious dogma.

    Masturbation is a healthy and natural thing to do, if it isn’t done to excess and doesn’t negatively affect your life. Cutting down is probably preferable to the nigh-impossible task of ‘quitting.’ To quit masturbating you may as well say you’re going to quit urinating. It’s just as natural.

    So my suggestion would be to examine why those negative thoughts come along. What is it that makes masturbation feel like a bad thing?

  4. Are you religious by any chance? Because theres nothing wrong with rubbing one out once in a while.

  5. I quit porn and masturbation after I realized it enhanced my sexual performance with my gf.

  6. I wouldn’t want to quit but I’m too busy most of the time to masturbate. Maybe you lack work / goals / hobbies/ social

  7. Quitting masturbation and quitting watching porn are different things… I think one CAN be healthy and the other may be a very harsh lifestyle.

  8. cut your dick off, it’s the only way

    seriously though what the hell is wrong with you? there is absolutely nothing wrong with masturbation.

  9. Quit porn. Only with this you will reduce your masterbation rate in around 60%. And there is no need for more. Masterbate sometimes is healthy.

  10. Is this what we’ve resorted to? Now jerking off is an addiction? Man you guys are gonna fuck this planet up!

  11. Why exactly quit anyways? Unless it is heavily impacting your normal life (like “i can’t go to work unless I have wanked myself of 4 times” or “I cant stop even when my skin starts to hurt from all the rubbing”) at which point you could easily get a therapist for help, masturbation is perfectly fine, especially when you are still below or around 30 y/o.

    If you have a porn addiction – that is something to be concerned about. But in that case as well since it is an addiction you can definitely get professional help (not drugs but actual therapy)

  12. As long as you do it in your freetime and it doesn’t impact your social life there’s nothing wrong with it.

  13. >So what can i do to make sure that even if i want to, i cannot master bait?

    Well, there’s always castration. No balls, no desire to jack off.

  14. Masturbation is fine. Totally natural. Chronic porn use is a different story.

  15. Masturbation isn’t the issue, it’s pornagraphy. It’s actually healthy to masturbate, just limit it to a few times a week.

  16. The vast majority never quit once they have done it before. That’s not a big deal though. You can do it very rarely and that’s a mix of not having a lot of freetime, willpower, and a active sexlife.

  17. I stayed clean for over 100 days it is possible. Keep yourself busy, find hobbies, work out, if you’re not employed fill out a job application

  18. There’re two solutions out there.

    First is a medieval contraption used in mental asylums to prevent patients from masterbating. It’s similar to a ring with pointed teeth all around the inside and it’s placed over the penis and locked.

    Second option, is castration. There’re several proven benefits to castration, such as spiritual growth and health benefits.

  19. Don’t stop. There are no real negative side effects. If you are in a relationship it may be affecting how much sex you could be having. If you are single. Rub away.

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