Men who fought another man over a girl, how did it end?

  1. Realized later that she manipulated the situation and intentionally pitted us against each other because she was a psychopath (her father was a diagnosed one). After I called her out for her bullshit she tried to ruin my reputation (this was high school and jokes on her dumb ass I already had a shit one cause kids are assholes).

  2. It wasn’t over a girl, but it involved girls.

    My brother and his friend came up for a football game and we lost, so that was the general depressed atmosphere.

    My roommate in college (off campus) came home after a football game after he’d been to the bars. I was drinking beer too, a Guinness stout in a mug.

    I’m in my bedroom and I hear my roommate come back and start talking to my brother about an ugly girl I slept with. So, I came out and said “You’re one to talk considering your wife.” (He had been cheated on by his HS girlfriend that was 3 grades lower and spontaneously married her only to be divorced 5 months later.)

    He said to me “Put down you beer.”

    So I slammed it down on the counter next to me and said “What!?”

    Then he bullrushed and tackled me. We landed on the aerobed. It popped.

    My brother had to sleep on the floor that night.

  3. We were in our senior year trip and we were in a club, my girlfriend of the time drank a little more that night (I didn’t) and she was dancing to the bar, mind you at she was very attractive. A guy (douchy, feather ear ring and all) that was from her school smacked her butt and said that she danced like a whore.
    I was following her, but not that close so I saw everything…
    I grabbed his arm and immediately told him to apologize and respect my girlfriend (I was not going to ruin everyone’s night over a drunk fool by starting a bar fight), he then proceeded to slap my face and I went crazy, gave him a “this is sparta” kick in his stomach and he began to throw up. The bouncers threw us out and he continued to try and punch me, I gave him a slap that knocked him out…
    Went to the hotel and had the best sex my girlfriend ever gave me. And I went on for the remainder of the trip as being the “Stood up for his girl guy”. Not gonna lie, it was a great feeling, especially being an underdog under the radar for most of my school years.

  4. Him unconcious, me in her bed.

    The worst part is, I didn’t really like her that much.

    But after he warned me off, it became a matter of principle.

  5. I almost did and we both found out the hard way she wasn’t worth it.

  6. I kicked his ass after school, got the girl and a few months later she ended up moving out of state!!!🤷🏻‍♂️🤣

  7. Started dating a girl and all her ‘guy’ friends started coming out the wood work. She was horrified one jumped me right in front of her 2 of them got there ass beat, the rest backed off.

  8. Some turd was throwing words at a girl I was friends with. I spoke up, then he stepped up to me. I told him to walk away but he must of been reluctant to appear as a punk In front of his friends. Long story short I beat his ass so bad he ran away crying and I felt guilty going overkill on him afterwards. He actually apologized two days later and I apologized his two friends just watched. It was more out of principal then over the girl.

  9. I had a fight with an ex of my girlfriend’s. He was bipolar, had a lot of possessive and jealous tendencies and acted as if they were still in some sort of relationship, calling her in the middle of the night crying begging her back, bad-mouthing me. They had lived together still for the first month or so of our relationship and after moving out they still sort of shared a dog.

    Anyway, one day GF was in the shower, he came over demanding to speak to her, tried to force his way in, I pushed him back. He pulled me out the house, darted past me and ran inside, slamming the door shut on me but I *just* managed to get a foot in front of the door and somehow after a struggle, managed to push the door back open and get in the house, where we had a scuffle, tried to punch each other but both failed miserably, then GF came down the stairs and shouted at us both and he left.

    After about another year in a volatile abusive relationship with her (she had BPD and it was a lot) we split up.

    A week after we split up, her ex contacts me, thinking we were still together, saying he didn’t care anymore, he just needed to tell me they’d slept together during our relationship. And that she’d made him promise not to tell me otherwise she’d never speak to him again, which was literally his worst nightmare.

    I just sent a screenshot to my ex of what he sent me and after some back and forth she admitted to it. Which just re-re-re-re-confirmed I’d made the right choice.

    After a look at his Facebook, having just reminded myself of his existence, it appears he ended his life a few months ago. So that’s how that one ended I guess.

  10. Nah. If she’s not full flow afterburners towards me I don’t really want it. I will wait around playing casual, putting myself in her head eith texts and such. If If a couple weeks go by and we’re not hanging out, bye. Next! Every woman that I’ve gone out either more than 3x puts in a solid effort and doesn’t let me think for a second that she could go either way. Those are the best.

    Have I been jealous of my friends girlfriends, sure. But I’d never fight over a girl or risk losing a friendship for a shot at a girlfriend. Plenty more women out there who are exactly my type and think I’m hot too. Tinder is excellent, there’s just no need to forage the grounds in which I eat looking for a place to shit, even if I wanted to I wouldn’t need to

  11. Bitches aren’t worth fighting over. There’s literally billions of them on this planet.

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