We’ve been together a bit over a year and this is my first relationship. Right at the beginning of our relationship, he introduced the idea of wanting to use various sex toys with me – I had no sexual experience prior to him and was very overwhelmed so I asked if we could wait a bit until I got fully used to sex with him. He agreed, and when I was finally comfortable with toys 5 months in, we bought our first item to try.

Since then he has said he wanted to wait longer, as he said we’re planning to stay together for a while so we could do it sometime in the future. So I agreed, but in this time I’ve been craving the feeling for so long. He would constantly promise we would use it, only to “forget” about it on the day. I would have been okay with him saying he didn’t want to use it, but it’s the fact that he would get my hopes up for months. Eventually, I stopped believing him and my interest dwindled over time. I wish I tried it when I had an interest, but now the excitement is gone for me. Recently he approached the idea of wanting to do “everything” with me again, but now I feel neutral about it, I’m no longer excited like I was before. I’m worried this will keep repeating itself in our relationship, how do we go about coming to an agreement?

TLDR: In our entire 14 month relationship, we’ve never been on the same timings of when we want to try sex things/toys and it’s affecting my sexual desire to explore new things.

  1. Sounds like he was more hesitant than he let on due to whatever insecurity or not-yet-revealed thoughts about toys. If you end up feeling the want to try it, sit down and talk to him and then just use it. If you want to use said toy, then do so, don’t wait for him to “remember”.

  2. He’s pulling quite the bait and switch huh. Does he do this with other things?

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