I want to factor in family , finances and carreer ..but as soon as I try to draw out a vision for 2032, i just freeze. I want to be able to create a goal for self and work backwards… What’s the best way to start ?

1 comment
  1. One of the original time management books handles this well:

    [How To Get Control Of Your Time And Your Life](https://smile.amazon.com/Control-Your-Time-Life-Signet/dp/0451167724/ref=sr_1_1?crid=16NIQLXICS7CS&keywords=how+to+get+control+of+your+time+and+your+life+alan+lakein&qid=1659114409&s=books&sprefix=how+to+get+con%2Cstripbooks%2C76&sr=1-1)

    It is *slim*, you can read it in an afternoon. They systems is *simple*.

    The book is old enough to be found in libraries and used book venues.

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