Hi everyone. I have never been on a date and I am a complete virgin. I wonder how can you trust people when they say they don’t have STDs. Is the safest way to ask them to get blood work done before your date? But I am sure that will ruin the date. Condoms don’t fully prevent STDs.

I am so paranoid and petrified that dating or hooking up with someone will give me HIV, Hepatitis, or another disease because they didn’t care to tell the truth.

Thanks in advance.

  1. The only thing you can do to guarantee 100% safety is not have sex.

    The next best thing would be to ask them to get an STD test and see the results.

  2. As a matter of politeness, you exchange test results rather than just asking for theirs. Remember that they have no more evidence about you than you have about them.

  3. You could always reserve sex for serious relationships and offer to both get tested (even if you are a virgin).

  4. I am a germophobe,so I can relate here.

    And well you,have to just,stop thinking too much because if a person does have STD’s 90% time they will come clean and it’s really rare for you to find a person with STD’s

    In USA only 20% people have STD’s and most them will prolly be on meds so you can actually prevent STD’s If the person is properly taking there Anti-bact’s and meds.

    Just stop thinking about it.

  5. Man, I’ve had some wild ass dangerous ass one night stand and crazy shit. And I’ve never gotten it.

    Get tested show each other the results and get it poppin’ always wrap your willie. If you dont keep plan B on you.

    Be safe and have fun.

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