What would you name your daughter or son? What’s your favourite names?

  1. I haven’t though that far, but some names that I would probably choose from are Tom, David, Branwen, Rachel, Amber, Ruby, Chester, Michael, Matthew and Jane

  2. I’d make my son the third. He’d have the same name as my father and I. For a daughter I’d let my wife pick the name, if she wanted me to pick a name maybe Natalia or Jada. It also depends on the ethnic background of my wife too. I want to have three kids so they’ll be plenty of naming opportunities.

  3. Ramona for a daughter, and maybe Micheal or Ron (my dad and grandpas names) for a son

  4. Ex wife and I settled on

    Amillea Rose (which was stolen by my step sister)

    Ethan Danté

    I can’t have kids so it no longer matters

  5. I had a crush on Nicole Kidman back when I was a kid in the 80s. So I thought Nicole it is. But I grew up not wanting any kids, so there’s that.

  6. A son would be named after me.

    Daughter’s name would he decided by my girlfriend and I together.

  7. If I have a daughter I’d name her Charlotte. Then I’d introduce her to Good Charlotte one day. If I have a son I’d name him James Gustav. James after my grandpa and Gustav after my great grandpa on my dad’s side.

  8. daughter: Natasha

    son: not sure – something more traditional like David, Michael, Steven, or Scott.

  9. I wouldn’t name my children anything because I’ve never wanted children.

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