Someone just asked to rate ourselves 1-10. I’m also curious how your rating also relates to grooming. Everything from hair, face, body, clothes. Do you pay attention to your appearance?

  1. Very important. It’s literally the first thing people see when they meet me, and first impressions tend to have a lasting effect. There are certainly things I can’t control, like my face shape, height, etc., but for things like grooming and clothes, those are mostly in my control (limited and shaped by taste and budget) and they send a message. I want to make sure I’m sending a message that I am an adult who can take care of himself (grooming) and who has a sense of creativity and fashion (clothes and accessories).

  2. I do but not in a way that i judge ppl by it. I can kinda see their personality, maybe stories, their lifestyle. I like to look at people and think what their clothes can tell. But i mean sometimes i cant stop turing my head to look when i see someone fine af walkin by

  3. Apart from exercise and eat healthy so I don’t turn into a fatty again?

    I manage construction workers so most of the time not really important.

    If its the weekend or I am meeting a client or architect then I pay more attention.

  4. It’s very important because I don’t like to look like a slob or like I don’t take care of myself. But that doesn’t mean that I have to dress up every day either. And I can throw on a pair of Dickies and a Tshirt and still look good.

  5. My Rating was 6-9… The variance is accounted for in grooming/ dress/ confidence associated with that… plus I just wanted to write 69!

  6. Quite important, but then again if you’re a ginger dude you’re kinda screwed regardless.

  7. I pay enough attention to not look horrible. If I look somewhat presentable, that’s about enough. Don’t really care to put the effort into looking the best I can, I’d rather answer reddit questions.

  8. very because my personality is akin to that of lukewarm unsalted fish

  9. Looks are the single most important factor in determining how you are treated by your peers in day to day life. Even the cashier at a grocery store will treat you different if you look good/bad.

  10. I’m no Chris Hemsworth but I believe I’m sufficient in the looks department so I don’t obsess over it

  11. Im conscious of it but i dont let it rule me. Like i wouldnt just completely let myself go, but im not permanently focused on being as clean cut as possible. As long as im ok with me, thats all i care about.

  12. Very important. The condition of my clothing, my hygiene, and the shape of my body. we only get one life and I need to be my best self. People say it’s all about confidence but it don’t work if you don’t look/smell good.

  13. Yes, I very much pay attention to my appearance. It has more then a non-zero impact on every interaction I have. I’m not going to spend money on designer cloths, but I will absolutely drop money on making sure things are a good fit. I recently took about 75% of business clothes to a tailor to have them all properly sized, and most of them were just shirts and pants from JCPenny, Kohls, and Costco.

    Regarding grooming, I never let things get too far out of hand. I want to look clean and appealing for my wife, and like a professional at work. I also do it just for myself, because I believe in “look good, feel good.” I’ll even go so far as to run through my whole grooming routine when I’m over the worst part of feeling sick, just to feel a little better faster.

  14. i have never paid attention to appearance… i mean that it’s not important to be the nicest the strongest and whatever other trivialities… you have to be you, accepted as you are. just that

  15. At my age looks are not even in top 3 of my concerns. Not sure if top 5 either.

  16. I’m a solid 4/10 I don’t buy expensive clothes because I’d make them look bad anyway so why splash out. Have my hair cut about once a month or it goes curly and keep my beard tame.

  17. I like to look appropriate for the occasion. Work, church, date night, etc., all have an appropriate look, IMO. So it is relatively important to me.

    No woman has ever rated me or told me she has, but I am totally average in height and weight. I would say in the 5-6 range.

  18. As I’ve gotten older, it’s gotten more important to me. I realize that looking put together matters

  19. Pretty important. I want to look good. I’m a moderately attractive guy and I know that it gives me an advantage. I do try to take care of my skin and put effort into how I dress. I have an attractive girlfriend and I want her to find me attractive for as long as possible.

    I wear business casual or a suit every day for work. I’m also a car enthusiast who works on my own car. I have gone to the same store on the same day right after work and while working on my car, it’s insane how different people will treat you. It has also taught me to treat everyone the same, as how someone looks shouldn’t determine how they are treated.

  20. 8. I don’t care about things I can’t change but things like my weight and teeth I put effort in

  21. I check my shirts on what is on it and if I want to be associated with that and I always make sure my hygiene is good and my body is in a oke shape. For the rest I don’t really care, is it comfortable then I’ll wear it. Also my hair is something I just let be besides washing it.

  22. Not so much, I like being fit but since I always got made fun of for being the ginger kid I kinda learned to stop caring what others think about my looks

    On the upside, my SO loves my gingerness and it kinda allowed me to be a kept man. I would recommend finding someone that just loves you for being you

  23. Honestly I think I look better when I don’t give a fuck don’t shave wear whatever. My hair is shitty tho but that’s about it. If I shave I look too young and I never know how to cut my hair only problems also I’m short so that’s at least -2 points. I’m in decent shape but used to be wayyy better. But I’m above average.

  24. Not at all. I know how to look good as I kind of have to for my office job. Fitted shirts, tailored suit, etc.

    But you won’t catch me wearing that stuff on my time. Jeans/shorts and a Tshirt all day.

    I just have no reason to look particularly good in my day to day life.

  25. When I leave the house for whatever reason, I spruce up and want to look decent. If I’ve shaved that morning, I always put on a good cologne or aftershave, whether I go out or not.

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