so i (13 trans male) live with my mom (35 female) and little brother (7), my mom has to wake up for work at 6 so she can be there by 8, but she cannot wake herself, so i am the one who does it, and every time she gets up she goes back to sleep, and i have gotten slapped/shoved so many times if i sleep in or unsucsesfully wake her up, i also have tp get my brother who is very rude and wont listen to me ready and up to go to our grandma’s house, and i for one have already made plans to move out when im 18! so my thing is, should i be responsible for my child like mother?


tl;dr am i responsible for my childish mom?

  1. No. She’s the adult and if she can’t act like it she needs professional help. You’re in no way responsible for her.

  2. You’re absolutely not responsible for her or your brother.. look up the term ‘parentified child’.

    Slapping/shoving a child for not being a parent’s alarm clock is abusive. Please tell a trusted adult, your mother seems to be having some serious mental health problems. Have you thought about maybe staying at your grandparents house permanently.

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