My wife (44f) and I (43m) have always had a very active sex life until a couple years ago. Frequently has really dipped off, which I’m fine with; we’re getting older, we’re busy with kids and work, etc. The biggest issue is that we will sometimes have very long stretches in between sexual encounters, and we can have a full hour of foreplay but I will cum almost as soon as penetration occurs. This was never the way it was before. I am undergoing testosterone treatment for low levels, but Im really at a loss for this sudden turn In quick ejaculating.
If anyone has any ideas on how to help, I’m up to try them.

  1. This happened to me and it was because like you we had infrequent sex and when we did I came so fast cause I was more sensitive. So infrequent sex made me more sensitive down there.. so as our sex life went back up it stopped and I was back to normal.

  2. We (45mf) started going to the gym at 40 and a lot of things improved, including our sex life. Maybe go to the gym together? Be workout buddies?

  3. I will sometimes masturbate earlier in the day when I know im getting lucky to help me last longer.. that may help too

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