So, I’ve realized that whenever I’ve made friends it’s always been because of school or work. Whenever those things ended , generally so did those friendships? Is it possible to make friends outside of these areas or how do I work to keep these friendships going? I attempt to message them and they sometimes will message back, sometimes things fizzle or schedules don’t align. I have a family, work and go to school so sometimes that makes it hard to connect with past friends. I think that maybe finding friendships outside of this would help but I’m just at a loss. I also know that who I am in a more professional setting is different than the world I grew up in and both of those are different than who I am? Maybe I need to first work on finding myself?
I’m pretty extroverted but also a very anxious person and overthink many things causing me to be quieter and sit and listen more (which may be a weird way to explain it). I’ve always been kind of on my own, gaining acquaintances here and there but truly want some more lasting relationships with people who like me for who I am.

Thank you and if this is not the place for this I completely understand!

1 comment
  1. I also don’t really know, like whatever i am just enjoying life without friends

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