Okay, so. At the beginning of this month I started seeing a girl who I have a minor history with. Years ago we matched on Tinder and hit it off but at the time I was too mentally fucked up from a recent past relationship that I “ran away” from the situation.

We hit it off again when we reconnected and told each other we thought it was a sign. We saw each other for a few weeks and talked just about every day. We opened up to each other about deep, important stuff. Vulnerable stuff, and we learned about each other that we both date monogomously. But I didn’t want to come off as clingy so I didn’t text all day every single day but I did most days.

She invited me to a concert weeks ago, and last week I wanted to surprise her by telling her that I indeed got the day off but she told me she forgot about inviting me (by the way, that day is today and now I’m not working nor do I have plans…) I asked to see her that day but she told me she couldn’t because a friend was staying over. I brushed it off but when she said the same thing a few days later I asked if she had started seeing someone else and she said “yes, I’m sorry it just kinda happened” and then proceeded to tell me that anxiety got the best of her because we “weren’t talking as much” and then she started with negative self-talk (like calling herself a garbage human being and that she feels terrible. I asked her to talk over the phone about it (not through text) yesterday and she told me that day she was feeling confused and stressed and hurting so I let her be, asking for that talk when she was ready.

She texted me yesterday morning saying we could talk. I knew she had work so when she was off I texted back saying to give me a call when she’s home and free. She told me she visited her parents after work. That was at 6pm. Cut to almost 11pm when I tell her I’m concerned that she is avoiding me and an hour later she texts saying “…sorry I was gaming”. I then called her, she didn’t pick up, I interpreted it as her ignoring me, and texted “Okay. Message recieved” which I instantly regretted and turned out to be right to regret it because she responded that it upset her to know that I immediately assumed she was ignoring me and so she went to sleep instead of talk.

I woke up today a mixed bag of sad, confused, and resentful. I really don’t like that I feel resentful but I cannot help myself. Am I wrong for feeling this way? Is this girl messing with me? Should I give her the benefit of the doubt and believe her? I wanted to but yesterday with every passing hour I believed she was avoiding me more and more.

  1. This woman is treating you poorly and doesn’t have the courtesy to tell you she is dating someone else. I would block her and Move on

  2. Drop her, she is only toying with you at this point. And she doesn’t have much communicating ability, or simply doesn’t care.

    You can find better, and don’t take her back if she tries.

  3. It sounds like she’s keeping you on a string so she can come back to you if it doesn’t work out with whoever.. 🙈

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