(M 33) Here. Nor do they answer phone calls after they admit they prefer them and tell you they will be the one to call. She’s much yo6nger than me. At least 24.

If I’ve ever encountered someone like this they usually don’t reply to texts with paragraphs or 2 like ths girl does…many hrs later.

Yet someone I’ve recently started talking to has and has engaged in date ideas and so forth…very confusing signals.

As a guy this feels wierd and I feel I’ll be judged for feeling this way cause it’s usually girls grieving over stuff like this.

  1. When this happens consistently, that means they aren’t prioritizing interacting with you nor do they seem interested in interacting with you. Either people are interested in interacting with you or they aren’t. Interest is built through previous interactions you had with them and the impressions you made on them in person. People gravitate towards self confident and positive people. Take a good look at how you act around people and the vibes you give off. That is a huge factor that people consider.

    The more anxious you are about other people and the more you care so much about other people in terms of receiving their attention, time, reassurance, approval, validation either online/offline, the more needy and desperate you will become for them and the less likely people will reciprocate and associate with you. People notice the way you act and carry yourself around them. They can sense your anxious vibes. They know when you are overly attached to them and heavily dependent upon them for online/offline attention. Your actions tend to show it. The tell tale signs are you texting/calling them way more than they are to you, and you being anxious, emotionally reacting, and confronting them when they don’t give you attention, time, reassurance, approval, validation either online/offline for whatever reason. People are hardwired to be repulsed by neediness and desperation. They gravitate towards somebody who is self confident, brings positive vibes in conversations, and is well rounded enough in life to not depend on others.

    Leave them alone for now. You need to become genuinely busy in your life focusing on your hobbies and goals, while interacting with other people on the side in real life. Find something you enjoy doing in life and keep doing that overtime. You will build much needed self esteem and self confidence. Chase excellence, not people.

  2. How long are we talking? Several hours isn’t much time to reply if she’s 24, she is probably very social and busy. Not everyone is attached to their phone, she may glance at it and see the msg but not have time for a full conversation. Alternatively she might not be interested in you. you need more information to know for sure but the main thing is don’t get mad or take it personally if people aren’t on your time table.

  3. Human beings in the modern world are on average using their phones for at least 50% of the day that they’re not asleep so if somebody takes a long time to respond to you they’re doing it intentionally for some reason and that could be a lot of different reasons

  4. Well she likes me enough to go out again tonight. We’re seeing Nope in a few hrs lol. She claims she’s not much of a texter. I don’t even know if she has social medias. Would be a little weird if she didn’t at least have one. Still getting to know her.

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