Thinning hair & receding hairline. What to know & how to prevent?

  1. 2 things to avoid doing too often is wearing tight fitting hats or tying hair back tightly

  2. Thinning hair and receding hairline here.

    Personally, I can’t wait to just shave it all off. The moment the back of my head starts balding, it’s buzz buzz time.

  3. Go to doctor first. Ask doctor questions, maybe get referred to a specialist. Sometimes hair loss can be medical issues.

  4. You can’t prevent genetics and nature. I was going bald at 35. I just owned it.

    When you accept it, then you can see when people try. To me, it’s heartbreaking.

  5. If it’s male pattern baldness (ie your dad or uncle has thinking hair) then start by using minoxidil for a few months. If it’s really light you can probably get away with just rosemary oil for a bit too – has the same effects as the rogain 2.5% but smells nicer lol. If after 6 months of daily use of the 5% doesn’t do anything (and warning, the first couple of weeks it’ll feel like you’re losing hair, that’s normal, just keep using it) then talk to your dr about getting a prescription for finasteride. Finasteride works a bit better but it’s prescription only, and can cause a host of size effects (including depression) that might not make it a good choice for some people. The sooner you get started on any treatment the better – it’s a lot easier to keep your hair than grow it back. Finally, you can also try low-level laser treatments or a hair transplant if you have the money.

    Alternatively you can go for the Vin Deisel look, a lot of guys find hair is overrated and there are plenty of girls who like bald heads

  6. Skin doctor here. If it’s in your genes it can’t really be prevented but it can be slowed.
    Talk to your doctor for topical treatments similar to but more potent than OTC Minoxidil. Some procedures like PRP, Stem Cell treatments really help.

  7. Funny enough, in my country, there is a popular belief that bolding is a sign of a man playing around and having too much sex. Stop hitting it Bruh.

  8. As others have said, just shave it. Not now, necessarily…you will know when. You’ll wake up one day and just say “fuck it” and not want to worry about it anymore. Only thing is, you’ll need to own a really cool pair of sunglasses or it just won’t work.

    You’ll also save yourself thousands of dollars (and minutes) trying to figure out all of the fucking creams and treatments and other shit that’s just prolonging the inevitable.

  9. Shaved-head dude here. My hairline started receding at 16. It sucked, but here’s what I learned.

    Dudes with thinning hair and/or a receding hairline don’t look bad because of their hairline or thin hair; they look bad because the hairstyle they are trying to wear doesn’t work with the hair they have left.

    As soon as you can, *go visit a professional hair stylist*. Talk with them about what hairstyles will work with what you have *now* versus what you had three years ago or five years ago.

    Repeat this visit to the stylist *every three to five years*, to make sure your style is appropriate to what you’ve got.

    Again: what makes dudes look bad is when they’re trying to do a parted hairstyle but the hair is too thin to cover their crown, or when they want to do a blowback but there’s too much forehead. (The ‘skullet’ comes to mind: a mullet without the business up front)

    As long as you change your hairstyle every 3-5 years, the reaction will be “oh, you have a new hairstyle and it looks good” rather than “Oh… you have less hair”.

    The key here (and this is true if you go the shaved head route) is that you are making choices about your appearance. You’re *choosing* a style that works, or you’re *choosing* to shave your head, rather than being a passive victim of “losing your hair”.

  10. Go to a dermatologist. They can tell you what might help you prevent it or at least slow it down.

  11. Derek has summoned you the sauna for some hair retention wisdom. Checkout More Plates More Dates on YouTube. Best advice out there.

    In short: Minoxidil, derma rolling and finasteride (if you can tolerate it). Those are your options.

  12. There is a supplement created by a doctor called Revifol. He spent years trying to study why only Western men suffered from hair loss whilst Asian men overwhelmingly did not. He eventually discovered that hair loss was due to hormonal imbalances in one’s diet. He wrote numerous studies which have been censored and banned due to the billions companies that are responsible for making testosterone blocking medications and others which have severe side effects.

    Bottom line: doc discovers that hair loss is due to diet and hormonal imbalance not “genetics”. Work is censored, he launches a supplement to counter the multi-billion dollar pharma industries.

    Edit: This was a doctor who used to perform hair implant surgeries. He said that they never lasted and he went to research the cause of hair loss and when he found it, he was told to shut up about it….

  13. Finasteride worked miracles for me look into it. Shave it if it’s too gone but if you wanna fight for it go to the r/tressless and read up

  14. It’s not the end of the world. Some chicks dig bald men. Get in shape, do the Mr Clean thing. It doesn’t have to slow you down.

  15. You adapt. Find a style that works better with what you have. Don’t try to cover it up with a bad haircut that’s too long.

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