My relationship recently became a medium-distance relationship as I moved away for work so now we live 2 hours apart. However, we only really used to see each other on weekends even when we lived 40 mins apart. We’ve been together 2 years and I’m just wondering if this is normal for couples who don’t live together?

  1. Two years…maybe it’s time to like take the next step or something? You life 40 mins apart. Get an apartment together.

  2. If you’re both happy, it’s all good and it doesn’t matter what I’d like.

    If one of you is unhappy, something will need to change.

  3. Currently everyday but when we first started dating it was like a once every 3 months thing, she lived like 4 hours away. Just talk to each other often and everything will be okay Skype often too so you feel even closer.

  4. For me, once a week if it’s a new person. Might become up to three nights a week after a few years, depending on our schedules and our other commitments.

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