I’m an expat visiting my octogenarian parents for the week. Unfortunately I have had to work remotely more than I would have liked during the week and haven’t had much quality time with them. Therefore I’d like to whisk us all off somewhere, leave early Friday, back late Saturday.

Some notes:
* Yes, they’re old but still relatively independent.
* Having said that, she is doing better than he – he has early stage Parkinson’s and isn’t able to walk too far without sitting down for a break, even with a stick. We’re probably talking half a mile at a time, sit for a couple of minutes, repeat.
* Based on this, old school seaside might be cool. Not too tacky though, please, I want them to feel safe and pampered, not chavved-out. Somewhere they can potter around, window-shop, talk about and be reminded of the old days, eat good food.
* If there is good hiking nearby for me, big bonus. I love the South West Coast Path but much of it is quite far away.
* Speaking of which, they live near Watford, so preferably no more than 2-3 hours drive from there, flexible for a brilliant option but remember it’s one night, doesn’t make sense to drive too far.
* We did Sidmouth a couple of years ago for similar reasons, and even though it’s 3.5 hours, it was a success. Somewhere similar but different might be good. Or maybe we just go back there…

Thanking you in advance for any interesting suggestions.

  1. **For specific questions about Watford, you can also visit /r/Watford.**

    If you are looking for attractions, recommendations, places to live, eat, drink, or do, [take a look at WikiVoyage](https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Watford) or [search TripAdvisor](https://www.tripadvisor.com/Search?singleSearchBox=true&q=Watford).

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  2. Seaside: Margate, Winstable (both East coast in relation to London), Rye (South) (all well over 2+ hours drive from Watford)

    Cotswold is 1.5 hours away from Watford, places like Bourton on Water, Cirencester.

    Then Oxford perhaps?

  3. How about Cromer, or somewhere else on the north Norfolk coast? Cromer is quite quiet but pretty and you’ve got traditional seaside stuff like crab sandwiches and tea rooms. There’s a hotel someone recommended recently called the Blakeney Hotel (in Blakeney…), which is sort of low-key posh I think. And there are seal watching boat trips in Blakeney if that’s their cuppa. There are a few other nice pubs and cafes around too.

  4. I’d look up luxury hotels that have availability and take it from there. Try laterooms then call the hotel and discuss. Somewhere with good afternoon tea on site or nearby, maybe?

  5. If they liked Sidmouth, then there’s always Exmouth or the South Hams. Steam train to Dartmouth and a wander around the harbour? Budleigh Salterton (so similar to Sidmouth that it barely counts as different) with a visit to Bicton Gardens on the way?

  6. Eastbourne? Great pier and nice fish and chips and less full on than Brighton. Devizes or Marlborough in the Cotswolds? Windsor is nice but might be a bit hilly for Dad. Even just a nice hotel in Chichester might be nice, and you could do trips in the car to Bosham and Itchenor.

  7. Hunstanton in Norfolk has a lovely beach and is fairly quiet for a seaside town.

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