What’s your opinion on blocking someone?

  1. There needs to be a block button IRL. Go to a family get together and your rude Aunty can no longer see you or talk to you.

  2. It happens. If it needs to then it is what it is. Sometimes I go back and unblock the person- if I know them. Not because like I want to reach out or want them to, just because whatever the issue was is no longer relevant.

  3. It’s all about your own peace of mind. If it disturbs your peace you need to block them.

  4. I’m thankful for it being an optional when people can’t respect boundaries or take no for an answer.

  5. I like to play speedy characters, so I’d rather dodge

    Oh, you mean like online. Honestly, I should block more people. Life is shitty enough without having to deal with asshats, so just get them out of your life and move on

  6. Do it on every platform, all at once. If somebody is not respecting your boundaries to the point where they need to be blocked, chances are they will reach out in every way possible. I was friends with a girl once who wouldn’t stop texting and calling me after we had a falling out and told her to leave me alone. She wouldn’t. So I blocked her number. Then she messaged me on fbook. Then I blocked her on there. Then she messaged me on insta. Then she sent me a money request on an app (Reddit won’t let me type the name of the app). I’m all for blocking.

  7. My emotional well-beaing is more important to me than their hurt feelings over my setting boundaries. Therefore, if continued contact with them is going to negatively impact my mental peace, then blocked they be. 👍

  8. Some people need to be blocked. Reddit unfortunately has ways to get around blocking so I made a new account and preemptively blocked a particular person before they found it. Sweet peace of mind knowing I’m not being followed around reddit anymore.

    I’m all in favor of blocking and curating your online spaces to only contain worthwhile content.

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