Seeking out personal stories.

Do you think separation helps a marriage become stronger? Full physical separation – different housing, no shared finances etc.

  1. If you learn to be happy and single again why would you want to be in a relationship?

    Taking some time off and cooling down and processing stuff is okay but just full on doing it because you want to and isn’t job required then you are basically making the divorce easier for you both

  2. There are too many different variables to say it does one thing or the other.

    I will say I find any separation that doesn’t include strong boundaries you are both committed to regarding appropriate behavior with others (no dating/flirting/sex) is very unlikely to help anything and is more likely to make things worse.

    That said, If someone really needs to work on themselves it without the day to day stress of a difficult relationship I’ve heard some success stories. But again they all defined working on themselves as something they were doing to be better as an individual and with the goal of strengthening the relationship.

    If one of you does it with the mindset of discovering yourself to see if the relationship really is right for you then it’s less like to succeed.

  3. Marriage is about togetherness and partnership. Why would being separate make a marriage stronger?

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